Mortgage Lending in Massachusetts NML

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Mortgage and Lending - Central One Federal Credit Union - NMLS #2136196
Connecting with borrowers, brokers and agents in Massachusetts and Michigan.
Early Voting for Residents of Massachusetts 2016 Early voting is available for the 2016 general election. William Francis Gavin, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has issued a web site that you may use to search dates and times for early voting in the towns of Massachusetts.It is qui...
Need a Special Gift? The Winebuyer's Outlet in Sturbridge MA has Basket-Loads of Ideas Following some closings in Sturbridge, MA, this summer, I was looking for some gift ideas for my clients. I wandered into The Winebuyer's Outlet on Route 131, and what luck.  I discovered that they will compile...
Adding Value to Listing Clients See an Example of a Property Web Site Here When I attend a listing presentation, I provide the potential sellers with a clear list of all of the marketing tools and methods that I use to promote listings.One of the ways that I add value is the creation of a single-...
Serendipity Happens in Real Estate     This afternoon, a delightful coincidence occurred in my business.  I had been on a webinar in which the main speaker had provided a script for calling one's sphere. He recommended asking the question: "What are your real estate-related plans for the year?"  ...
Sturbridge Market Snapshot - Homes Sold Jan-Sept 2016 Now that we are in the fourth quarter of 2016, I thought it worthwhile to take a look at the first three quarters and see what has happened in the market.  Below is a market snapshot of Single Family Home sales in Sturbridge, MA, from January ...
Scullers at the Head of the Charles Regatta  I am involved in the sport of rowing, and this weekend was the Head of the Charles Regatta, a two-day race with events for rowers ranging in age from high school up to the senior citizen years.  Today, I volunteered with the timing group at the start l...
My First Time:  My First Short Sale This post is being submitted as an entry in Patricia Kennedy's:  Your First Time - The Real Estate Edition Contest. 3 Causeway Road, Holland MA In the summer of 2012, a couple contacted me for help with selling their home. In the course of discussion, it was re...
Skip the Mall and Go Explore Artists' Open Studios 2016 in Connecticut Holiday season is upon us and that means shopping. This year, why not skip the mall and instead go findunique gifts for family and friends at the 2016 Artists' Open Studios in Connecticut? In this yearly event, dozens of artis...
My Virtual Halloween Costume As part of Kimo Stowell's Annual Halloween Contest, I am submitting my entry for virtual Halloween costume.  This year's contest theme is the Haunted Circus, and I think I found just the right costume.  I have always wanted to be an expert at Hula Hoop.  Oh, in my you...
Autumn Day on Big Alum Lake - Sturbridge, MA As a real estate agent, I spend quite a lot of time in my car. One of the perks of doing so is that I see many beautiful sites in my travels.  Today, I was at my listing at 26 Mt. Dan Road, which is sited on Big Alum Lake in Sturbridge, MA.  As I trave...

Kathryn Acciari

Mortgage Loan Originator
smartphone(508) 982-0686
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