5 Tips to Increase Your Web Page Visibility As you are adding to your web presence, it is important that when you do add content that it is viewed by as many people as possible. Here are 5 tips to increase your page visibility: Focused Content - Don't try to accomplish too much in 1 page. When
Want To Stay On Top Of Google? For many that start with traditional real estate training, some of the first things that you learn about are methods such as farming and getting in touch with your "sphere of influence". With both of these methods you learn that you must stay in touch with them on
Key Metrics When real estate professionals think of "metrics" and their online marketing, many people think of popular tools like Google Analytics. While Google Analytics is definitely one of my most favorite reporting tools, it's not the only one to look at, and when you are looking at....just
Do I Need To Follow Up? Tips For Success! Whatever promises you make to the customer to resolve the issue, be sure to follow up. Call when you said you would call. Even if you don't have the resolution, let the customer know you're sticking to your word. This shows the customer that his/her b
Dealing with Disgruntled Customers Resolve their problem, not yours Most offices have polices in place so that their employees are empowered to deal with customer service issues. However, not all situations are the same and therefore not all remedies should be the same either. If the disg
Gaining Commitments Instead of Closings? Eliminate "Closing Cheese" from Your Vocabulary. You know what I am talking about: "Would you like that in gray or in black?" or "If I can show you how this will help you will you buy today?". Lines like these are why salespeople are down on the bottom o
Can you steer a roller coaster? Life is supposed to be fun! Getting on a roller coaster commits you to going where the tracks have been built. There are built-in ups and downs. You can't get too concerned about either because they always balance out. Selling isn't a car set on rails, but it isn'
Dealing With Disgruntled Customers - Tips For Success Apologize and Empathize Once you understand why the customer is upset, apologize. Even if you don't agree with their complaint, you are at least letting them know you validate them and will work towards a resolution. This also separates
Need A Reason To Buy A Home? How About 10! Owning a home has been a part of the American Dream for decades. If you are still unsure, however, whether or not homeownership is the move for you, be sure to read these ten reasons to buy. 1. Low Interest Rates. It's true! Interest rates are currently
Create Momentum and Excitement Typically, you have three to five major blocks of information to present, each usually with more than one visual or point. Let's say you are presenting these major blocks of information: * What your service is/does * How you do it * Your competitive advantages *