10 Quick Tips To Help Your Voicemails Make You Money Tip #9: No Call Back Doesn't = "No" A tip I give all of my coaching clients is that not hearing back from a voice message does not mean a client is not interested, it just means they didn't call you back! Don't assume a "no." Reframe a no ca
10 Quick Tips To Help Your Voicemails Make You Money Tip #8: Don't Fall Into This Trap. The majority of messages start with "How are you?" or "Hope you are well." The longer your listener is disengaged, the less likely your chances of receiving a return call. Start your message with creative,
New Rules for Home Improvement Tax Credits The tax break for energy-efficient home improvements made in 2011 isn't as big as in past years. By Kimberly Lankford, Kiplinger.com Can you still get a tax break for making energy-efficient home improvements in 2011? If you didn't get around to making e
10 Quick Tips To Help Your Voicemails Make You Money Tip #7: The Fewer the Better. Imagine your message is like a stream of pure water. Any unnecessary word, "uh," "umm," or tangents are harmful contaminates that harm the water's purity. Keep your message as tight as possible. Make the water p
10 Quick Tips To Help Your Voicemails Make You Money Tip #7: The Fewer the Better. Imagine your message is like a stream of pure water. Any unnecessary word, "uh," "umm," or tangents are harmful contaminates that harm the water's purity. Keep your message as tight as possible. Make the water p
10 Quick Tips To Help Your Voicemails Make You Money Tip #7: The Fewer the Better. Imagine your message is like a stream of pure water. Any unnecessary word, "uh," "umm," or tangents are harmful contaminates that harm the water's purity. Keep your message as tight as possible. Make the water p
10 Quick Tips To Help Your Voicemails Make You Money Tip #6: Familiarity Breeds Confidence. Always get a name of the person at the company; the closer the association with your prospect the better. Psychologically, hearing a third party softens the call, and depending on the relationship and t
10 Quick Tips To Help Your Voicemails Make You Money Tip #5: Getting Past the Gate Keeper & Getting That Elusive Appointment Without An Appointment. "Are they expecting you?" If I had a dollar for every time I was asked that on a cold call I would be Warren Buffet's rival. An easy way around that
Until the beginning of the Space Race in 1957, life around the Clear Lake area had a different focus. Water related businesses and water related activities were enjoyed in a relaxed manner. People cruised the waters, fished, sailed and skied in a relaxing, playful manner. There were a few ot
10 Quick Tips To Help Your Voicemails Make You Money Tip #4: Play To Human Nature. We are all curious by nature, and your prospects are no different! Warning: this strategy can be touchy, but I have seen it work many times. Simply leave a message saying, "Hey Mark, it's Mike. 888-555-5555," and h