Kim Wood

Services for Real Estate Pros - The Tech Byte
How to Twitter - Part One : Why Twitter? Get signed upHow to Twitter - Part Two : Setting up your ProfileHow to Twitter - Part Three: Follow and Get Followed Today... Part Four will address The Conversation.   After you have accumulated some people that you follow, you will see them talking.  Tim...
So I've been talking about it for a while, and with the new option of feeds from ActiveRain (mostly I'm *yay* for this) - I want to share the right way to use Twitter. You've heard about it if you've been listening to the national and local TV stations, politicians, bloggers, radio, newspapers, ...
How to Twitter - Part One Why Twitter ? Get signed up.How to Twitter - Part Two Setting up your Profile Part Three is time to start getting some people to listen to (Following) and people who want to listen to you (Followers). Just jump in here, ok? It's very hard to comprehend the madness until ...
How to Twitter - Part One gave a brief overview of Twitter, why I use it, and how to get signed up. In Part Two, we'll move onto setting up your profile. This is important as people look to see if they want to follow you. If you do not have a bio, picture, website etc. I hesitate - so do others. ...
Yes, there is a lot to Social Media and exposure. No, you can not do it all and do it well.  You must select the social media outlets you would like to be a part of - and work them.         Image Courtesy of Scobles Social Media Starfish by DBarefoot Everyone will have different favorites. I have...
Guess what? I have news! I have big news to share!  I met Tyler Wagner today!  Yes, I did! Please help me welcome Tyler the fabulous world of ActiveRain !!!  He even wrote his first AR post: It's Time to Jump In already! So JUMP on over there and give him a hearty Welcome ! Tyler is not new to t...
Cancer SUCKS pass it on!!!  Most all of us have had someone in our lives directly or indirectly affected by cancer. I think of our own, Karen George and want to shout from the mountain tops!!! Spread the word - help fight cancer - whether it is in spreading awareness, walking in a walk, donating ...
I am a @Twitterite. There is something I need to tell you about Twitter. Don't abuse it. If you don't use it don't just throw your feeds from ActiveRain up there.  I'm happy that ActiveRain jumped into the Twitter movement and added Twitter Settings and Feeds, don't get me wrong. Brad's Post exp...
Yep. I'm bragging again.  I got to another meetup!!!  Yay!  The Virginia Association of Realtors had their annual conference in Baltimore this year - which was too close to pass up.  They were very welcoming to this Chester County PA Realtor! As Teresa says, "It's great to meet the people who liv...
My quick tips are what I'd hoped them to be.... something so simple and "missed" by many. (Of course many of you already knew & used the things I shared - and that's great!). I wish I remembered where I read this - so I could credit that person with the time it's saved - and the wear and tear on ...

Kim Wood

Kim Wood ~ The Tech Byte
local_phone(877) 348-6090
smartphone(484) 459-4669
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