Kirk Mulhearn's (kirkmulhearn) Blog

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Prudential California Realty/Gem Mortgage
Long Beach Ca.  During a recent read of, "District," Magazine, I came across an article by Dave Wielenga entitled:  The Battle for Armory Park.  The article does a great job dissecting the pull between a local citizen, Brian Ulaszewski, pronounced "oo-la-SHEFF-ski" and Long Beach City's Traffic M...
4th VerseThe Tao is emptybut inexhaustible,bottomless,the ancestor of all. Within it the sharp edges  become smooth;the twisted knots loosen;the sun is softened  by a cloud;the dust settles into place. It is hidden but always present.I do not know who gave birth to it.It seems to be the common an...
Long Beach, Ca.  The following  is a great definition of the Tao, I hope to actualize these concepts and bring the age proven wisdom of the Chinese Sage of Truth to all practitioners of our Craft as well as to the public in general.  These ideas are truly wonderful and magic and especially enligh...
3rd VersePutting a value on statuswill create contentiousness.If you overvalue possessions,people begin to steal.By not displaying what is desirable, you willcause the people's heart to remain undisturbed.The sage governsby emptying minds and hearts,by weakening ambitions and strengthening bones....
 2nd VerseUnder heaven all can see beauty as beauty,only because there is ugliness.All can know good as good only because there is evil. Being and non-being produce each other.The difficult is born in the easy.Long is defined by short, the high by the low. Before and after go along with each othe...
 1st VerseThe Tao that can be toldis not the eternal Tao,The name that can be namedis not the eternal name. The Tao is both named and nameless.As nameless it is the origin of all things;as named it is the Mother of 10,000 things. Ever desire-less, one can see the mystery;ever desiring, one sees o...
Long Beach, Ca.  Recently on Dec 21, 2007 President Bush signed into law, HR 3648, the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act.  Basically, the law gives a temporary tax break for home owners who convince their lender to take less then what is owed on their home through the short sale process for th...
Long Beach, Ca.  Today I read a very interesting article from Kelly Greene about reverse mortgages:  please check out this article in that it really shows the type of progress borrowers have been making with banks as far as discounting the ...
Ready to Trade-In Your Home?Perhaps You Should Remodel Instead!Long Beach, California - Each year, millions of Americans move into the home of their dreams. As time goes by, families expand, kids grow older, and suddenly that home isn't quite so perfect anymore. Or perhaps you still love your hom...
Should You Leverage Your Home orPay It Down Rapidly?  Long Beach, California - There is a great debate within the inner-mortgage circles these days. Should we, as loan professionals, encourage clients to borrow as much money as possible? Or would consumers benefit more if we helped them to unders...

Kirk Mulhearn

smartphone(562) 965-0054
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