
Thank you Alex P. Keaton (Michael J. Fox's fictional Family Ties character) for showing me that it's ok to carry a briefcase before you're even old enough to get a proper job!Thank you Alex P. Keaton for showing me that wanting to rule the world before I could rule a straight line wasn't complete...
Its Christmas time and Homer Simpson realises all too late that he's (yet again) forgotten to get his loving wife Marge a present. Despite frantic and fervent attempts at the last minute, Homer is still empty handed at the all important present giving moment. Feeling guilty and dejected, Homer op...
As I've written about a number of times in both of my books - I'm a university dropout. I consider myself a life long learner and yet at age 28, despite attending uni on and off since I was 17 I'm still yet to get that all important piece of paper. As an entrepreneur, I don't desperately need a d...
As I write this I’ve just received my first Christmas card of the season. It’s from a fabulous lady called Namita I met maybe 3 years ago in Darwin, Australia and she’s a prime example of how to ensure your Christmas cards aren’t a waste of time. What can we learn from Namita: 1. Leader of the p...

Kirsty Dunphey

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