Kamloops Property For Sale - Danielle Doucet's Blog

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The vast majority of successful real estate agents are true professionals who take the long view. Their advice is in their clients' best interests. Some agents go further by being fully transparent when conflicts arise (which often do) and make certain they are fully disclosed to their clients. ...
Whatever you do with your life, and wherever you live, you have to sort out your finances. Having enough money to live, to pay bills, to buy treats etc… is fundamental to being independent and being able to live a comfortable life. Being able to maximise your money (whatever your income), and kn...
Need to sell a house underwater?  If you don’t know what this means then let me enlighten you. It means the house is not worth what you need to sell it for. Maybe your job has just relocated you, a family member is sick, the neighborhood is declining. Whatever the reason is, you need to move, an...
Downsizing has an upside when you are talking about purging your excess when you move to a smaller home. However, it still can feel like an insurmountable task if you are not careful to follow a few simple downsizing strategies. Emotional Energy Downsizing is an emotional journey. Perhaps that s...
Selling your home is no simple job. Here is some simple cheap advice you can use to help speed up the process. There are jobs to finish and keeping the house clean and tidy while on the market to make prospective buyers like what they see. It’s important not to overlook those little details that...
July 13, 2016 Canada’s residential real estate market posts strongest growth in five years in the second quarter of 2016 Central bankers expected to keep interest rates lower for longer in light of Brexit and global uncertainty TORONTO, July 13, 2016 – Canada’s residential real estate market con...
5 Reasons to Offer Owner Financing It seems a bit counter intuitive for someone who owns home to allow a buyer to pay over time for their property. After all, wouldn’t it be better to get all the money in one go thereby requiring the buyer to get financing from a bank? Well, sometimes it’s more ...
Worrying about debt is stressful. Worrying about how to avoid foreclosure is one of the most stressful situations someone can find themselves in. If you’re struggling to make your mortgage payments or if you can’t pay your mortgage at all right now, there are things you can do that will help you...
If you decide to have a home inspection, the major components of the home will be visually inspected and in some cases, tested by a trained professional. You will receive a written report outlining details about the home and the inspection results. Com­ponents inspected generally include the roo...
It’s safe to say we all know what would hinder us from buying a home. If we were to harness those ideas and think about what would prevent us from buying a house, we can begin to make a list of what will factor into the resale value of our own homes. The resale value of a home is the amount the ...

Danielle Doucet Personal Real Estate Corp

Kamloops & Kelowna Real Estate
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