I have been working on a friends' short sale since last October-- with many phone calls, pitfalls, restarts, pot-holes, phone calls, faxes, e-mails, phone calls, well, you get it. I refaxed the 78 page bundle twice-- and then was told just a month ago that I was starting over using an "automated
How are you handling sellers who want you to over-price their homes? It may seem that the owner who insists on a couple of hundred thousand more in their asking price should be accomodated, especially if you are not the only broker on the hunt. But pricing properties properly should be priority
Do you remember the first time you set off a house alarm when you entered for a showing? Every time it happens, it is still embarassing, rattling, and annoying! Yesterday I was showing a property with clients, my Broker, and another Agent from our Team in tow--- and BLEEP, BLEEP BLEEEEEP! The
Posted on 23. Jan, 2010 by Mickey O'Brien in Business Tips This week on Facebook I asked “Who should I follow on Twitter” and surprisingly only a few people responded, one in which is an amazing photographer that you may want to follow twitter.com/@steffoush By asking for who should I follow I
There must be alot of misinformation floating around about what happens in a Short Sale. The general public has heard of them-- and like the perfect golf swing, they think they know a little bit about them. For the most part, I have found that a large percentage of people...accountants, lawyers
I understand using wide angle and super wide angle camera lenses for taking real estate pictures. They not only show more of something but they also make that something look bigger, and we all know more is better and bigger is better, right? Unfortunately, when you put those wide angle pictures
I understand using wide angle and super wide angle camera lenses for taking real estate pictures. They not only show more of something but they also make that something look bigger, and we all know more is better and bigger is better, right? Unfortunately, when you put those wide angle pictures
Yes, yes and yes again. You should Blog about your listings. Every listing should have it's own Blog post. Here is what you should include: 1. Address of listing and the neighborhood it is located in. 2. Information about this listing but not all of it. Give them a link to the listing so
Enhance Your Business Listing - Rank Higher and More Often Having your Local Business Listed on the web is important for its future survival. Claiming your listing will help give you more control over how the search engines index you and will also help prevent spammers from hijacking it. Ther
* The first time home buyer's credit has been extended to April 30, 2010. Some current buyers may also qualify for a credit up to $6500 when purchasing as a primary residence.* The standard business mileage is $.055 per mile.* If you received Unemployment Compensation in 2009, you can exclude u