Newburyport MA: Homes, Condos for sale Search the MLS for Newburyport MA listings and Real Estate for sale A great new website gives you direct access to the MLS and real estate for sale in Newburyport MA while also providing you information about Newburyport, Schools in Newburyport, Event...
These reviews are just posted on Zillow. To see the complete reviews go to my profile page at Zillow. I have no control over what is written although I can object if I think a review is unfair. I've never had to do that. Zillow verifies that the people who post are real customers. From a c...
Two New Reviews of Realtor John P. Wells of Newburyport MA, just posted on Zillow (see full review) "My wife and I have been working with John Wells for about a year now. John has a great knowledge about real estate and he is willing to fight for the little guy. We have a price range that top...
Rat Poison The IBEW members – the real ones, not the paid help that’s holding the signs about Anna Jacques – aren’t the one’s driving this disgraceful action in Newburyport. It’s the management, a few guys who hold the reins tightly. A real IBEW electrician, an intelligent, thoughtful young...
I'm posting this for those of you who are aware that Newburyport has summer festivals but don't know what to look for! The primary one is called Yankee Homecoming, with all kinds of daily events, open air concerts on the waterfront; a huge summer celebration. Here is the link to the website and c...
Lots of character, antique condo three blocks from town. Move-in ready, wide pine floors, working fireplace. Private 2nd floor deck, perfect for dinner for two or just enjoying the neighborhood. Shared patio, seperate basement storage and laundry. New hardwood floors in Master Loft with 9x7 cedar...
Thursday, July 7 3-5 p.m. — Ann McCrea Clayworks for Kids (Amesbury Public Library) 4-7 p.m. — Seniors' Annual Cook-out (Holy Family Parish Hall) 5:30-7 p.m. — All Together Now, Beatle Tribute Band (Millyard Amphitheatre), sponsored by The Newburyport Bank Friday, July 8 9:45-11 a.m. — Mother Goo...
Anna Jaques Exposed? They care about us. Those guys from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 103, standing out there tirelessly and selflessly, rain, snow, cold no matter – to warn us about the hazards of using Anna Jacques Hospital. You see, if a hospital hires an electrica...
We all constantly hear from the media that real estate prices continue to decline. The media doesn't differentiate between the regions when they report this; because of areas like Arizona, Florida, Nevada and California, the national averages continue to be pulled down. These areas and others wer...
Single Family Home Sales The West Newbury, MA real estate market report indicates that there were 39 homes sold in 2010 as compared to 43 in 2009. This represents a 9% decrease in the number of homes sold. The average sales price changed from $505485 in 2009 to $439249 in 2010, a 13% decrease in ...