In the realm of luxury real estate marketing it is essential that you study the best-of-class luxury brands of the world. In the category of avant garde Swiss chocolate Alice Chocolates takes the cake. The founders of Alice Chocolates set out to create the quintessential Swiss chocolate experienc
In the realm of luxury real estate marketing it is essential that you study the best-of-class luxury brands of the world. In the category of avant garde Swiss chocolate Alice Chocolates takes the cake. The founders of Alice Chocolates set out to create the quintessential Swiss chocolate experien
One way to sharply distinguish yourself from your competition, as a luxury real estate marketing professional, is through a witty slogan that reflects your personality. The best slogans succinctly communicate the main benefits of your brand for your target market and trigger demand for your se
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 12:10PM Having a sense of humor and being able to laugh easily is a must for a luxury real estate marketing professional. Given the nature of the business which often involves a life changing decision and the myriad of emotions that accompany this decision it is im
LOL Special Video Edition - No.4 Announcing the Launch of LOL Equestrian! Plus: LOL interviews Laurie Moore Moore, Founding CEO of the Institute for Luxury Home Marketng. LOL Equestrian We are excited to announce the launch of LOL Equestrian, our first subgroup on LOL Linked In and also to an
The luxury of time is for replenishing your soul and getting re-inspired about your luxury real estate marketing practice. One of the best ways to get re-charged is to connect with nature. It’s a time to quiet the mind, take in your surroundings and marvel in everyday pleasures. We are always on
One of the very best luxury real estate marketing secrets is aligning the purpose of your practice with your clients and also your community. Here is an example of how a major luxury department store applied this principle of alignment of purpose in the global community. Prior to Mother’s
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 12:30AM Define What You Value the Most By Alexandra Seigel People like to do business with people like themselves. By making your values explicit graphically and in your messaging of your website and collateral material you will find that you can accelerate the spe
Are you staying in touch with your clients after the sale? Staying in touch does not mean boring them with articles about recent real estate related court cases, the real estate market report for their area, the current loans rates, or telling them to change the batteries in their smoke alarms.
Lake Cachuma, Santa Ynez Valley, California Continuously refining your tastes and preferences is an ongoing job for the successful luxury real estate marketing professional. You can count on high net worth clients continuously pursuing the quest for the best. This is part of learning the Langua