These vibrant sweet peas caught our attention yesterday at the Santa Barbara farmers market. We loved their intense colors. One of our neighbors is training sweet peas on trellises on either side of her garden gate. Just a few blooms have appeared, so far. We wonder if we will see fairies perc
Another beautiful morning, the sun is shining and the temperature this morning is 54F with a promised high of 74F. We were dazzled by the color and display of these radishes (pictured above), as we walked in.And, here is one of our favorite spring vegetables, artichokes. Many of the farmers had
We have been patiently awaiting the first blossoms on the plum tree in Quincy Park. Today was the day. They are late this year, because of the numbers of cold days we have had so far. We are looking forward to seeing the whole tree in bloom, and then the fruit ripening. Spring is in motion on
It was such a joy to take time to go for a long walk on the beach. Even though the winds were blowing we bundled up. Big puffy cumulus clouds were gathering and rising above the mountains. Strong winds were creating whitecaps on the ocean's surface. And the curlews were digging for their dinne
In marketing speak, eliminating “pain points” is an ideal strategy for getting more referrals and maintaining a healthy stream of business for your real estate marketing practice. That is, minimizing or eliminating any “pain point” that your seller or buyer may encounter in working with you. Pain
I had no idea that this was a bouquet of larkspur flowers. And, that they were relatives of the delphinium, which I also like. I think they are infinitely more beautiful that the delphinium. This is one of my favorite Georgia O'Keefe quotes:When you take a flower in your hand and really look a
We spotted this long row of calla lilies at the Santa Barbara Farmers Market this past Saturday. We liked the arrangement and how eagerly people were buying them. They are an elegant flower. In the language of flowers, they are known as a symbol of wedded bliss, which is why some brides choos
As we were about to get into our car yesterday afternoon, we noticed this car next to us. And of course, we had to take a picture! We wondered and pondered...questions came to mind: Why does this car owner want us to know that he/she is compassionate? Into Zen? A Vegan or Vegetarian? And, we
I have met this man (pictured above) and no doubt you have too. He is book smart. He has read many books in his lifetime, and he can prove it when you visit his home. He has bookshelves of well thumbed books on various subjects: literature, psychology, history, mathematics and other subjects.
Yesterday, we took a long walk through the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserves to the ocean. Even though high tide was approaching, there was plenty of beach to walk on. We stopped to chat with some "doodle" owners whose dogs were enjoying retrieving the ball from the surf. On the way back home,