The Language of Luxury

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GET FLUENT. GET AFFLUENT! (TM) Luxury real estate marketing is a high stakes game. We invite you to join our forum where we will discuss leading-edge luxury real estate marketing strategies that can give you a competitive edge and help you gain access to the wealth of the world.



Recently, I published our (Ron’s and mine) definition for Peace of Mind.  One of the commenter's agreed with the general principles of the definition, but this individual had their own ideas also.  My reply was “That is wonderful, we are different.”  Another commenter said, “thought provoking it ...
We just returned from clearing half of our storage room.  My arms are aching from lifting boxes.  This trio of three colors of irises which I bought yesterday tightly furled are opening up.  They lifted my spirits  and soul immediately!  What in your life is calling you, When all the noise is sil...
We spotted this lemon tree growing in the back lot of the Buddhist Temple in Santa Barbara, where we study and practice Qigong, the medical branch of Tai-Chi.  It was begging to be picked! Each lemon was a work of art. I obliged by picking one.  “When life gives you lemons...add melted butter , t...
Years ago before we were in real estate, we had a life coaching practice.  The past few days, we have been going through our storage room and boxes of stuff we had not opened for many years. It was time to empty the storage room, to donate stuff we no longer use, to cull  and shred documents.  We...
Pictured above is the definition of finesse.  I took this shot in the kitchen of the French Laundry.  Finesse: noun. Refinement and delicacy of performance, execution or artisanship. It is a reminder to all their chefs, sous chefs,waitstaff, and others who work there, that finesse matters and exp...
As we walked right by these gulls, they did not move and just went about their squawking.  It was clear that this was an HOA meeting.  By the time we returned from the other side, they were still there.  Some looked bored, some were standing on one leg practicing the Yoga crane pose.  We looked b...
We bought these tulips on Friday!  They had just been delivered.  We made sure the buds were tightly closed, so that we could delight in watching them open!  There is such joy in witnessing the blooming process in all living things!  A tulip doesn’t strive to impress anyone. It doesn’t struggle t...
It was cold this morning, and we are expecting temperatures a high of 74F this afternoon.  It is lovely when it warms up.  We loved this view (pictured above) on our way to the market.Escarole (pictured above) is part of the endive family.  It is one of the ingredients needed for Italian wedding ...
It was time for us to buy new orchids for our home. We spotted this lovely phaleanospsis, at Westerlay's Orchids in Carpinteria (pictured above).  It just had been brought out of the warehouse.  The color alone took our breath away!  Of course, we had to bring it home, along with a couple more to...
One of our favorite quotes from Thich Nhat Hanh describes our walking meditation.  It is something we practice as we walk on Sandyland beach, as often as possible.  “Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is the only moment.” There ...

Ron and Alexandra Seigel

Luxury Real Estate Branding, Marketing & Strategy
local_phone(805) 770-1129
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GET FLUENT. GET AFFLUENT! (TM) Luxury real estate marketing is a high stakes game. We invite you to join our forum where we will discuss leading-edge luxury real estate marketing strategies that can give you a competitive edge and help you gain access to the wealth of the world.