We are back to cooler weather today, after the highs were in the 80's yesterday! Our predicted high is 64 today. No complaints! Pictured above is fennel. We enjoy it in salads, or grilled on the barbecue.An assortment of cabbage, broccoli, and carrots caught our attention. What great colors!W
In December 2019, we bought a bare root rose called Baccarat. We were drawn to his deep red wine color. Recently we noticed that Baccarat has many buds. Pictured above is the bud first to bloom is beginning its journey into gradually opening. We are looking forward to the grand opening. Happy F
We have lived in this area of Santa Barbara County for almost 12 years. We have loved every moment of our walks on Sandyland beach in Carpinteria, and we have never tired of walking here. We leave looking forward to the next time. I could never stay long enough on the shore; the tang of the un
A couple of weeks ago, as we crossed the channel on Sandyland beach at low tide, we noticed an abundance of mussels growing on the rocks. When the high tide comes in, the water will cover them, and they will feed on the nutrients the ocean brings. Nature is so lovely in all its forms.Happy Thur
We are adamant about exhaustive research when we come up with a brand name for a company or an individual. Here is an example of a situation, where in our opinion Rolls Royce did not do a good job of coming up with a good name for their very private social network app exclusive to those who own
We had lunch at Industrial Eats today. Signs of Spring abounded! On the right side of the picture you can see the blue heather growing on the hillside!Further down the mustard was blooming on both sides of the freeway.In Quincy Park the bottle brush is beginning to bloom everywhere!The plum tree
We had a meeting yesterday at our favorite coffee place, Handlebar, in Santa Barbara. We like sitting outside and watch people with dogs. This cutie pictured above was patiently waiting at the table while her owners were getting their lunch next door. Even from a distance, that creature made m
Marketing like Your Mean It is something that Barbara Todaro talks about and has a proven success record of marketing with postcards! Since I have been following her posts, I have been paying attention to all the postcards we receive. They all end up in the recycling bin.Here is one that did no
Mindfulness has infinite benefits. On a walk, taking each step deliberately, as well as each breath you take, as well as taking note of all you hear becomes a joyful journey. "Walk as if you are kissing the earth!" is one of our favorite quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh. We think of it often as we w
I took this photo this morning after our breakfast/brunch at Cold Springs Tavern. It reminded us of the California Impressionism school of artists. The lighting was amazing, and the Cold Spring Bridge added a beautiful accent of bright green. The terms California Impressionism and California