Have you ever thought that there’s just not enough time in the day to accomplish all that you want? If you’re like many busy real estate agents, you’ve probably uttered the words, “I don’t have time” at least once. Remember, there are 24 hours in a day; the secret is to learn how to manage your t...
If you have ever felt overwhelmed by your Inbox, panicked about a missing document or feel that you don’t get everything done that you want to each day, it’s time to reassess your organizational skills. Many of us would like to be more organized, but aren’t sure where to start. While organization...
Social media has become a normal part of our business communication. After all, it’s quick and easy to “Like” a status or write a short comment of congratulations or well wishes to the clients we’re connected with on Facebook, Twitter, etc. And while this type of communication help to keep us at ...
Which agent do you think is more productive? Agent A works all the time, and tries to squeeze 26 hours of work into a 24 hour day. He never takes breaks, and only takes time off when he has to (such as major holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving). Agent A never takes vacations, and can’t remem...
Entrepreneurs and business professionals in all industries spend their careers searching for the secret to a successful business. The more they search, the more success eludes them. We’ll let you in on a little secret: The key to success in your business is you. Although the answer is a bit antic...
Want to be more productive? Let your smart phone hold you accountable and manage your most precious commodity--time. ATracker by WonderApps AB (free, for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad) is a well-designed app that allows you to keep track of how much time you spend on your activities. The app allows...
If you’re like many real estate agents, you may struggle with time management. Sure, you may feel busy all day, but when you go home for the day, have you accomplished the big tasks you wanted to complete for the day? Whether you work in an office or from home, distractions are all around. And, a...
According to the 2013 NAR Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, the majority of buyers say that finding the right home for them was the most difficult part of the home buying process. Your buyers look to you to help them find the right home to purchase. Buying a home is a process of elimination not...
Perhaps inspired by the fresh start the New Year brings, many people resolve to incorporate good habits into their daily routines. They focus their energy on getting to the gym every day, flossing their teeth every morning or committing to an hour of proactive lead generation. While everyone focu...
Are you ready to increase your knowledge about the current state of real estate? Do you need a power boost of motivation to keep you on track to succeed in 2014? Would you like to expand your network and hobnob with other driven real estate professionals? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these que...