Now is the perfect time to get organized. After all, in the New Year you’ll be so fired up and raring to go that you won’t have time to sort and organize your space. Take advantage of this time to pull together your desk and office so that you can be all the more productive in January. Here are a...
We all could use an extra shot of motivation from time to time, especially when we’re beginning to feel burned out or when it seems as though business isn’t going our way. In these situations, it helps to have a ‘why’ to reconnect to. Your ‘why’ is your reason for working as hard as you do. Not s...
If you set goals in 2014, it’s time to conduct a year-end review. What’s a year-end review, you ask? It’s when you review and analyze the progress you made toward your goals during 2014. In addition to giving valuable insight into your year, it also helps you to craft your goals for 2015. Here ar...
A quality lead is only a phone call away. As a real estate professional, you spend much of your time on the phone with current clients. However, a quick call to your past clients can help you plant the seeds for future referrals. Here are three reasons to hop on the phone and call your clients. C...
Be happier, starting today! It seems as though the sun always shines upon the happiest people—they tend to be more successful in business and life, healthier and enjoy strong relationships. However, being happy takes work. Specifically, developing the positive habits that foster happiness takes w...
When you’re looking back on your life when you’re older, will you have regrets? If so, what will they be? In this clip from the real estate event, the MasterMind Summit, Brian Buffini explains the biggest regret of the dying. The #1 regret of the dying: I wish I’d had the courage to live a li...
It happens to the best of us—we lose touch with a client or two after the transaction has closed. We didn’t mean for it to happen; we just got busy, stopped communicating with them and the relationship fell by the wayside. Can you ever get that relationship back? Of course you can, silly! And a h...
As the year begins to wind down, we begin to think about the past year and lessons we learned. If you attended Brian Buffini’s Success Tour, the real estate event of 2014, you’ve picked up useful tips from five of the best and brightest minds in business today. If you missed it, or would like to ...
We all have those days, the ones where we keep pushing things off until tomorrow. Perhaps you don’t feel like writing personal notes or calling a new client—“I’ll do it tomorrow when I feel fresher/when my head is more in the game/when I’ve had my coffee/when the sun, the moon and the planet Jupi...
We’re getting closer to the end of the year. While it’s tempting to call it a year and coast to December 31st, now is the time to plant the seeds that will become transactions and referrals next year. A couple more weeks of hard charging will put you in a good position to start the New Year right...