Whether you generated the lead online or were referred by one of your best clients, you still have to win over sellers with your listing presentation. A great listing presentation gives you the opportunity to show these potential clients that you’re the most professional and qualified person to m...
Tracking your progress is important, but what happens when you’re not progressing as quickly as you’d like? In this clip from the real estate event, the Peak Experience, Brian Buffini makes the case for sticking with your goals, even when progress is slow. “It doesn’t matter how slowly you go a...
One of the fastest growing social media platforms, Instagram is an image and video driven social media site that give you the opportunity to showcase well-shot photos and establish yourself as the expert of your community. Like the other social media sites though, there are a few things to keep i...
The holidays offer the perfect opportunity to visit your best clients and deliver seasonal Pop-By gifts. Pop-Bys show your clients that you appreciate their business and the referrals they’ve sent to you this year. They also allow you to get valuable face time with your clients to say hello, chec...
Are you an adrenaline junkie? While there is a time and place for that (perhaps on the side of a mountain with skis strapped to your feet or when you have a parachute strapped to your back and you’re flying through the sky), work isn’t one of them. In this clip from the real estate event, the Mas...
If you’re like most agents, you want to have a presence on whatever social media platform is the most relevant at the time. First it was Facebook, and then everyone flocked to Pinterest. While these are great platforms for sharing photos and information about listings and tips for home buyers and...
Although you may be cool as cucumber most of the time, there may be times when you begin to feel overwhelmed. The holiday season is one of the most common times for feelings of overwhelm to start bubbling up; after all, you’re trying to close deals by the end of the year, generate leads for next ...
According to the latest research from the National Association of REALTORS®, 13% of buyers in 2013 purchased a multi-generational home. This may not seem like a lot; however, many 20-somethings have moved back in with their parents to save money while they get on their feet, not to mention the Bo...
Social media is a great way to get the word out about your business and listings. However, many agents post too often and saturate their clients’ news feeds with so much information that they feel overwhelmed and choose to unsubscribe. Or, they post so infrequently that their clients forget about...
Never stop learning. This is something that we often hear, especially at Buffini & Company seminars. In this clip from the real estate event, the MasterMind Summit, Brian Buffini explains the importance of lifelong learning and finding great mentors. A commitment to personal development i...