Did you know that the autumn is one of the best times to generate leads for your business? While check-in phone calls are important to stay on the tops of your clients’ minds, things like personal notes, client parties and Pop-Bys help you to express your appreciation for your clients while gener...
Although the year is winding down, it’s also important to look ahead and think about the steps you can take now to have an even more successful 2015. After all, it’s the seeds you sow now that result in the referrals and closed transactions that you’ll receive next year. Here are five things to d...
Most potential buyers cruise the listings on the Internet before they contact their agents to look at a home in person. Although a great description may prompt them to call their agent, it’s the photos that make them click on the listing in the first place. Great photos can highlight the best par...
At Buffini & Company, we’re big on personal growth. We see personal growth and development as essential to success in real estate, and in business in general. By committing to continuous growth and learning, you’ll be able to serve your clients at a higher level. Not only that, but staying sharp ...
Do you have a plan? In this clip from the real estate event, The Peak Experience™, Brian Buffini explains why it’s essential to plan for your success. “Build a plan for where you’re going, not where you are.” –Brian Buffini Tweet this Planning is essential to our business. We have to know wha...
Have you ever set a goal and then had trouble achieving it? We’ve all been there: We set a goal and sketch out a plan to achieve it. Then life happens and we get so busy with other things that the pursuit of the goal moves to the backburner and it’s difficult to muster the motivation to get back ...
What stage of the S-curve is your business in? In this clip from the real estate event, The Peak Experience™, Brian Buffini delves into the phases of the S-curve and explains how you can help your business to thrive. “Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast.” -Tom Peters Tweet this The S-curve for bu...
The autumn is the ideal time to clean and organize the house and get the landscape ready for cooler temperatures. It’s also a great time for you to serve your clients by helping them get their homes ready for the change in seasons. Although longtime homeowners may have this process down, first ti...
Although your showings, listing appointments and open houses may have gone off without a hitch (or a sketchy person) in the past, it never hurts to prepare in case you have to deal with one in the future. Meeting clients for showings and listing appointments is a big part of the business, and whi...
Safety is a top concern for many real estate agents, especially when meeting a client somewhere other than the office. Although showings, listing appointments and open houses are standard in the industry, they also leave an agent vulnerable being attacked by a stranger. This isn’t to scare you—mo...