(June 7, 2008) We stumbled upon this Italian delicacy last year...and this year I can share it and remind you that this is an annual event, so set a reminder now :-) ... One thing I love about the American spirit in general is that if people see that there is a festi...
(June 4, 2008) My first day on Capitol Hill! I have to be honest, I loved it! One person can make a difference and I happen to be part of the 2000+ Realtors that spent a day visiting with California Legislators to discuss the Hot Topics that affect property rights and the real estate industry - t...
(May 31, 2008) Every year during the third week in May, I have an appointment reminder. It says - CALL CHERRY, and in my contacts CHERRY HOTLINE (24 Hours): (661) 266-7116. I listen intently, as this phone recorded message will share with me when the Cherry Orchards of Leona Valley will be open f...
(May 17, 2008) Pine Mountain Club--the nearby faraway place--is one of Southern California's best-kept secrets... mountains, the fresh air, the pine trees, the lilacs, the craft fair! This Annual Event brings vendors from all around California to descend on a t...
(April 19, 2008) This Expo is the BEST DAY OUT YOU CAN DO FOR YOURSELF & YOUR BUSINESS & YOUR FAMILY. This is my annual reminder of making sure the smoke detector batteries are fresh. Last year I replenished our Earthquake kits. I actually upgraded to the 5-year pack for the family. This year Wad...
(April 12, 2008) I am so proud ... the City of Santa Clarita has received the Tree City USA Award by the National Arbor Day Foundation. The honor is bestowed upon cities throughout America who consistently meet the standards which are designed to ensure that a given community has a viable tree ma...
Hello! First let me say, THANK YOU for all of the emails, and thank you for your patience. I know that I haven't been regular these past few months, my blogging intentions have been all go, no show. The blogging books all state the Art of blogging is regularity - well fellow viewers I have been t...
On the heels of the city's announcement SANTA CLARITA REACHES STATE-MANDATED RECYCLING GOALS! ... Let's chat about recycling here in the Santa Clarita Area. If you own your home and you purchase trash service you are probably provided with those different bins for: Yard Trimmings, Recycling and "...