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Real Estate Agent - Cunningham Team RE/MAX R.P.
Real Estate in Greenville SC - events which affect real estate prices and conditions.
As you can see from the following statistics the Greenville market is off this year. More Greenville South Carolina Real Estate is on the market while less is selling. Units on the market 2007 = 6416  ; 2008 = 6960 Units sold 1/1/2007-5/31/2007 = 4180 ; 1/1/2008-5/31/2008 = 3431 Units sold in May...
SC-H30 Partners and Hincapie Sportswear have formed a strategic partnership. George Hincapie who lives and owns Greenville South Carolina Real Estate is a partner in both firms. H3O Partners is a strategic marketing and branding firm which offers clients a comprehensive package utilizing a networ...
South Carolina State Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of colored People joined in on the National Day of Action against discimination in mortgage practices. One year ago NAACP filed a class action lawsuit against lenders alleging discriminatory practices against African-...
Greenville South Carolina and Gold Wing Riders celebrated the 4th with the largest display of fireworks in the Upstate. An estimated 100,000 people came downtown to watch the fireworks this year. Music, food and the fireworks were all part of the RED, WHITE AND BLUE celebration put on by AT&T. Ma...
Greenville South Carolina celebrated the 4th with a big party which included the Honda Gold Wing Riders this year. The Gold Wing Riders were holding their 30th annual Wing Ding. On the 4th a parade with 849 vehicles rode down to Falls Street from J.L.Mann High School. It was difficult riding for ...
Greenville Drive's 2008 ticket sales have surpassed the 2007 record setting year and 2008 projections. It is possible that rising gas prices are keeping families closer to home this summer. While ticket sales are doing well, sometimes sold out games have empty seats behind home plate. This create...
Lake Jocassee received an additional 63 acres along the tip of one of it's peninsula's. The Greenville South Carolina Real Estate was sold at a bargain price from Crescent Resources to the state Department of Natural Resources. The addition will keep the lake shore free from development heading i...
Have you noticed that the arts are very accessible in Greenville? With minimal effort and almost no expense you can view a play or hear music or see beautiful art. Most of these arts are based in and around Downtown with the plays at Shakespeare in the park, at the various theatres. and the arts ...
Today a friend sent me a link to join Upstate Forever a non-profit group which seeks to promote sustainable growth in the Upstate of South Carolina. I like that thought. One of the things I love about this region is it's natural beauty and wild places. I think I'll join. There are three main prog...
The 4th of July is going to be big in Downtown Greenville. Check out events in downtown Greenville South Carolina for the summer. This week we are going to have fireworks, food, music, children's activities and more. Bring lawn chairs, picnics and blankets and be prepared to enjoy a celebration! ...

Lee Cunningham

Greenville SC Real Estate
local_phone(864) 679-0707
smartphone(864) 787-8886
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Current Events in the Upstate of SC which affect real estate prices and conditions

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