There are only 4 things that lenders need to consider when qualifying your clients for a mortgage loan. However, each category has so many "what ifs" and variables-and that's where it gets complicated! I'd like to start with the basics and give you an overall picture of what I have to consider ...
As you may be aware, when you have a buyer who currently owns a primary residence and is looking to purchase another one, they must have at least 30% equity in their property in order to use rental income to offset the payment. Otherwise, they have to be able to qualify with both their existing...
Here's a freebie for you! Looking for the perfect tool to VAMP up your social networks w/the touch of 1 button? In just a few minutes you can create visual tours of homes or make personal pictures fun. Old Republic Home Protection has the hook up for absolutely FREE! Click & see the demo below o...
Could there be a light at the end of the tunnel? Well, it all depends really who you listen to. The new foreclosure mess certainly has cause for alarm. But in the attached article, you will see, once again, it depends on who you talk to. There are some very interesting points made and it will...
This is a great article by the KCM crew regarding the recent foreclosure mess the banks have gotten themselves into and how it will affect the real estate market. Read how it will impact you if you are currently in the foreclosure process, you are currently selling a house or you are buying a f...
Ok, so I'm curious. I'm new to the area but not the business. It's really hard getting my foot in the door and having a Realtor trust me. I don't blame them really. I'm sure as Realtors you are constantly hounded by loan officers all day long making promise after promise to the point where yo...
Do you have a home computer, a laptop, an office computer, flash drives, cell phone, and back-up external hard drives? Most people have at least two or more of these. In today's world, technology is definitely the wave of the future. If you have visited a doctor's office or dentist office, pa...
If you haven't seen this article in USA Today, you might want to check it out to save yourself some heartache at closing. It's about title companies who will no longer offer title insurance on properties owned by Chase, Bank of America, etc. Best bet is for you to check with your title repres...
So today I sit here thinking, what kind of insight and help can I provide today. Then I remembered something that helped me and thought I would share it with you! I recently moved to a completely new area where I knew no one and I needed to find new doctors, hair dressers, restaurants, cleaners,...
Is there a possibility of hope for people needed to do short sales and those wanting to buy a property that is in a short sale? Check out this article in realty times. Let's all contact our public officials and pressure them to pass this!