Arthur Buhrer MLO 114080's (lendermen) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Arthur Buhrer, Olympic Mortgage Services CL 1456034
In December I personally closed on four USDA purchases here in the Sequim and Port Angeles Area. What makes the USDA loan so attractive to homebuyers? 1. This loan requires no down payment. Some may say that homeowners need to have a little skin in the game and don’t like Zero down loans. While I...
Initially the first time home buyer tax credit didn’t seem like a motivational factor for residents here in Sequim and Port Angeles. However, since August, once people began to see time winding down on the tax credit; purchases began to increase quickly. For many locals who have be patient are no...
Mary’s husband passed away a couple of years ago and Mary’s life, as she had known it, suddenly changed. The household income was cut by more than half and her responsibility to maintain her life more than doubled. Mary struggled to make the mortgage payments with her single income for two years ...
1. Excessive Micro management of the appraisal industry. Now instead of sending a piece of paper directly to an appraiser; a third party company gets my order and sends it to an appraiser. This has increased turnaround times, cost, and quality of the appraisal. Appraisal Management Companies (AMC...
Why are lenders taking so long to underwrite and fund loans, or even return phone calls? In what used to take two weeks to 30 days tops, depending on appraisal, is now taking 30-60 even 90 days in some cases. Let's start by adding a declining market, a recession, if you will. Next add corporate l...
Results from my informal 2009 Sequim Home Show survey.  23 People were surveyed. 1. How do you feel about the new President (Positive or negative)? 13 responded positive. 7 responded negative and 3 neutral. 2. On a scale of 1-10 how do you feel about the economy with 10 being good? -5,2.5. , 2, 2...
There is a lot of hype surrounding this. However, I don't think it will be all roses for good responsible borrowers.  These new loans will have to be FHA. How else are they going to insure them and the lenders who originate them? That means funding fees and monthly MI. Just to get down to 4% ?? W...
Want to go Green? Don't worry you will be able to get financing. All lender agencies - Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and FHA - will have no problem funding a mortgage for a Green Built Home. Sometimes there might be incentives for such a home; however I haven't seen any of them. The Energy Efficient M...

Arthur Buhrer MLO 114080

Owner Broker/ Washington State
local_phone(360) 477-1011
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