Real Estate Agents in FL - GA - CT do you want more business in 2022?2021 was a great year but are you ready for what 2022 has to bring? Do you want more buyer leads and seller leads?I have a great tool box to share with hard working agents that want to be a success in 2022.My newest tool is desi
Is the Market Headed towards 3-D Printed Homes?Having revolutionized everything from the auto industry to healthcare tech to the airline business, 3-D printing is poised to dramatically change the American housing market.Lennar Corp., one of the largest U.S. homebuilders, has teamed up with Texas
Buying a Home with help from Family With U.S. home prices have jumped 20 percent in the past year, it is becoming increasingly harder for many Americans to buy a home on their own. To be able to break into the housing market, more and more buyers are going in together with siblings or parents on