Bob Gallo's Relationship Marketing Mastery Blog

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Relationship Marketing Services
If you look at the leaders in any industry who are building their business online, they all focus on connecting with and creating quality prospects online.So how do you connect with people online?Networking on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and different online forums and groups is one of the m...
One key to lasting success in any business is building strong relationships with your customers. Here are seven relationship marketing ideas you can use to build solid and profitable client relationships. Nothing new here, just 7 common-sense relationship marketing ideas that we all know, but sel...
In today’s challenging economic climate, it is more and more important than ever that we cultivate relationships with our prospects, customers, and resources. People do business with people they know, like, and trust AND who by their actions show that they are there to help. One easy and cost-eff...
Most service professionals think that just because a client likes them and is satisfied with their services, they must be doing a good job in building relationships. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.The fact is there is a huge difference between having clients like you, and like ...

Bob Gallo

Relationship Marketing Services
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