Greetings! It's been a busy fall here in Estes with school activities, fundraisers and family! I was proud to be a part of the Estes Park High School Marching Band's season this year. My son, AJ, is now a freshman trumpet player, now I'm a "Band Booster" secretary and "Pit Crew" member. The half
Greetings from Estes Park! Trail Ridge Road is finally open between Grand Lake and Estes Park. This road winds through Rocky Mountain National Park and goes over an elevation of 11,000 feet above sea level. The road is open usually between Memorial Day and sometime in October when the snow piles
Greetings from Estes Park! It's a stormy Memorial Day weekend in Estes Park, but that's not stopping real estate shoppers...there is a lot of activity on listings, and it is wonderful to see the buyers out and about and ready to make offers! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy those barbecues!
Greetings from Estes Park! Here in Estes, we are dealing with a pest called a "Pine Beetle". The trees affected are Ponderosas and Lodgepoles. Under normal conditiions, a fire would wipe out the pest and sterilize the soil, making way for new, healthy trees and plant life. Since we have homes in
Greetings from Estes Park! Our 21st Annual "Ducky Derby" was another huge success thanks to the Estes Park Rotarians and all the volunteers that came together to make it a fun event. Our Village Jazz Band played two sets and didn't get TOO cold, and the event raised over $118,000 for local organi
Greetings from Estes Park! Last night I had the pleasure of attending a housewarming party for one of my first time homebuyer customers. There was a great mix of his mountaineering and music friends, along with his relatives, and everyone was so happy that he finally has a house of his own. We lo
Greetings from Estes Park, Tomorrow is our Duck Race, sponsored by the Estes Park Rotary. The race was started 21 years ago by Steve Nagl of The Wheel Bar and has been a local tradition ever since! The ducks are dropped in Fall River at Nicky's Restaurant and Resort and travel down the river, so
Greetings from Estes Park! I have been invited to be a part of a fundraising group in Estes Park, Colorado for a Performing Arts Complex. Local architects Thorpe and Associates have completed the design and now it is up to us to line up matching funds to get this project off the ground. I'm excit
Greetings from Estes Park! I was out in the latest snow with sun breaking through the clouds with the intent to capture an interesting shot of Long's Peak for my blog today. In the blinding morning light, my camera started "freaking out"...I thought it was an LCD screen malfunction, but when I pu