Greetings from Estes Park! Our town is buzzing today, it marks the real start of our summer visitor season here in Estes Park at the entrance of Rocky Mountain National Park! There will be a free concert in Performance Park tonight at 7PM by the Village Band featuring patriotic music and marches,
Greetings from Estes Park! After a VERY late start to spring, we are finally enjoying summer weather here in the Rocky Mountains. The wildflowers are out, the bees are buzzing and the birds are singing! Our property is adjacent to Cheley Camp, and we also have the pleasure of hearing the kids go
Greetings from Estes Park! The Oratorio Sociey of Estes Park has announced its annual summertime pops concert to benefit the Supporters of the Performing Arts on Saturday, July 24 at 7:00 PM and Sunday, July 25 at 3:00 PM at the Estes Park High School Auditorium. This year's concert will feature
Greetings from Estes Park! Here in the mountains, we have really crazy weather. At 7522 feet above sea level, things can change fast! We had a storm blow through this last weekend that brought snow...yes our surrounding mountains. Here in the Estes Valley, it was 40 degrees and raining.
Greetings from Estes Park! Estes Valley Workforce Downpayment Assistance Program celebrates first recipients!The newly formed Estes Valley Workforce Downpayment Assistance Program is proud to announce that its first recipients have closed on a home! Local employees Carissa Streib and Josh McGill
Greetings from Estes Park! The Estes Park Board of REALTORS and the Affiliates have announced our annual Golf Tournament on Friday, August 6. This year's proceeds will benefit the Estes Valley Restorative Justice Program, whose mission is to provide community based alternatives for non-violent of
Greetings from Estes Park! One of the many reasons that make Estes Park a great place to live is the wildlife you will see in your backyard. We live on the edge of Cheley Camp and the National Forest on the south end of Estes Park, just below a bear's den. Over the years, we have learned to freez
Greetings from Estes Park! The Estes Park 18 Hole Golf Course has been voted as one of the ten most beautiful courses in the United States...and it has a wonderful staff, too! Every year, the course hosts lessons for boys and girls. The lessons cost $20.00 for four days of training...and the kids
ESTES PARK HIGH SCHOOL BAND BOOSTERS TO PROVIDE CONCESSIONS FOR THE GREELEY BIG BAND FESTIVAL ON SUNDAY, JUNE 27! The concession stand is raising funds for the Estes Park School District instrumental music program, earmarked primarily to provide funding to employ D
Greetings from Estes Park! Yesterday was our annual highway clean up day for the Estes Park Board of REALTORS. Our stretch runs from just past the stone entrance sign to Cherokee Draw on Lake Estes. We had lovely weather (for once!) and there was much less trash than last year. I had my three son