Lisa Sells Texas Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Lisa Von Domek Team - TX License #0552989
  There is less than 24th hours to our 3rd Annual Meet Up in conjunction with the CRS and NAR Conferences.  This year we will be having our ActiveRain Meet up in BOSTON on Friday, November 2nd at 6:00pm.  We will be meeting at the Sheraton Boston (NAR Co-Headquarter Hotel) located at 39 Dalton St...
Normally I am not a plant that boasts...but I have to ask - Am I Gorgeous Or What? I am now proudly displaying my fall foliage for all to see - who(what) am I you may ask?  I am a Crape Myrtle (botanical name Lagerstroemia).  If you are not familiar with Crape Myrtle's, here is a little informati...
  Wishing one and all a Happy Halloween with no political statements, negative undertones or subliminal meanings!Enjoy the candy, costumes and some safe fun.  Not sure what is happening in and around the Dallas area?  Visit to find Halloween activities, pumpkin patches, kid friendly fun...
The Haunting is a classic ghostly supernatural thriller from 1963starring Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, Richard Johnson and Russ Tamblyn.No blood, no guts, no gore, just good clean creepy fun.  If you want a few goosebumps for Halloween, this is a "must see" film.  Enjoy! Summary in IMBD:  Dr. Mark...
A man is walking home alone late one foggy night...when behind him he hears: Bump...BUMP...BUMP...Walking faster, he looks back and through the fog he makes out the image of anupright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward himBUMP...BUMP...BUMP...Terrified, the man begins to ...
Orange lights, glowing jack-o-lanterns, trick-or-treaters and saccharine headaches. Yes, we could only be talking about Halloween night! It’s hard not to get caught up in the mischievous fun of costumes, candy and wanting to get scared by ghosts, ghouls and goblins. However, the scariest thing a...
It is finally starting to look like Fall in the Dallas area.  All of the recent rain had the trees confused as to Spring or Fall and they refused to begin to turn colors!  Here is a photo of the rare Speckled Oak tree.  No, just kidding, this is just a regular Oak tree but it seems that it can't ...
  And the countdown is on for the 3rd Annual Meet Up in conjunction with the CRS and NAR Conferences.  This year we will be having our ActiveRain Meet up in BOSTON on Friday, November 2nd at 6:00pm.  We will be meeting at the Sheraton Boston (NAR Co-Headquarter Hotel) located at 39 Dalton Street,...
At my house we still (try) to enjoy a sensational sit down Sunday dinner.  And since I am all for easy, delicious recipes...I thought you might enjoy this one from Food Network!     Beef Stroganoff          Recipe courtesy of Food Network Kitchen        Total Time:  45 min     Prep:             1...
 Another important election draws near and early voting for the November 6th elections continues through Friday, November 2nd. Remember, if you don't vote you don't get to criticize the choices made by others!  For more information for Texas, follow the links in the report below:           Many T...

Lisa Von Domek

....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!
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