A byproduct of being backyard beekeepers is a surplus of honey. 10+ hives make more honey then we'll consume, ever. Properly stored honey will last long past my lifetime, so we give some away as closing gifts, and sell a bit too and that puts a small dent in our annual beekeeping expenses. We
I am not fluent in honey bee language. I have learned to recognize the sound of an angry bee (I would suggest getting some distance away quickly!), and I know what a hive sounds like under normal conditions when we are inspecting, and the change in sound as they are disturbed or agitated.But exp
Take a quick scroll through ActiveRain's blog roll and what do you notice?How many of the 20 posts on the page make you want to click the post? Probably not many of the 20 made the cut, so how do you increase the odds that YOUR post is one that gets seen and opened?Consider the blog roll your st
Corporate buzzwords come and go, but one that stuck around was "bandwidth". In this case, it had nothing to do with sound waves or anything technical and everything to do with human capability to handle work.In my engineering job a typical month required me to write approximately 4 reports. Dep