Need blogging ideas?There is plenty of low hanging fruit (topics) all around you, even when it may not be obvious. Just going about normal life and real estate activities are going to provide you ample blogging opportunities.In the last couple of months we've had a tree fall on our house (okay,
I haven't written a new patio home blog post in several years.Why not?It's not because I think blogging doesn't work.Instead, I have total faith that blogging CAN work, and CAN continue to work long after I've written my last post about patio homes.I did the work, and now I can sit back if I choo
Back in the late 1800s John Venn created a way to show relationships between data sets, and while we might not remember his first name, the term Venn diagram lives on with anyone who likes to analyze.Cliff Notes version, you can label data sets by a category or characteristic, and organize the da
Our home is a magnet for stray cats. We live on a dead end country road just off an interstate exit (can you say PERFECT for anyone wanting to dump unwanted cats??).We suspect there's a cat language road map that points them to our house as a great place to gain food, water and shelter. We maxe
Years back I used to do quite a bit of business travel, and one of the perks was getting to enjoy each locality's offerings: great seafood in New England, a beef on weck in Buffalo, fantastic views from Point Loma in San Diego, and the occasional ballgame. The games weren't business expenses, so
If you watched the movie Oppenheimer, the term critical mass won't be a stranger to you.critical mass: the minimum amount of fissible material needed to maintain a nuclear chain reactionOversimplification of the process:1. Develop a design2. Manufacture adequate material of the RIGHT type3. Co
It's peak lavender bloom season in our front flower bed and the pollinators are enjoying the feast! Our honeybees and bumblebees and other native bees are flitting from one blossom to another.I enjoy TRYING to take pictures of them with my cell phone. I say TRYING because with lavender blooms t
Our home is surrounded by woods, and with woods comes the need for periodic tree maintenance. Emerald ash borers have been lethal to area ash trees over the last couple of decades, and our woods are no exception. We had three trees that needed dropped, one was a threat to our bee yard, another
TL/DR version: be careful with your blog post topics and comments.Strap yourself in, the development for this one takes a bit.Sometimes I push my luck a little further than I should.This year has been a strange one for weather in our corner of Ohio, cold, warm, cold, rain, more rain, more rain,
Blogging for business isn't about the number of words in a post, or even the number of posts written each week. It's not about the pictures included with the post (but they DO matter!).It's not even necessarily about your skill as a writer. You could challenge Tolstoy and Hemingway and still be