This article will help you set up a solid plan to launch your desires into reality. I am adding my additional recommendations at the end of this article that I feel will add to this very insightful article. Linda Kemp 8 Tips for Finding Your New Home A solid game plan can help you narrow your h
In Part One of this series we discussed how FICO scores work. Most consumers are unaware of how these scores are calculated. These same consumers are often neglect in checking their credit report to make sure that the information in contained in these reports are valid. Today we are going to di
The following series of articles will help consumers better prepare for the home buying process. Preparation is so very important before you contact a Realtor® and hop into the car to visit available properties on the market. Make certain to take the necesessary steps to insure that you get the
Do you need some expert help or guidance in claiming your Home Buyer Tax Credit on your 2010 Income Tax Returns? Well stop wondering; don't call your brother's mother-law's sister's husband who is a real estate agent in Hoboken, New Jersey! Get the right information from the best source possibl
Are you artistically inclined? Do you enjoy creating logos professionally or at an amateur's level? Then you need to read on because the City of Naperville is looking for talented people. Currently, Naperville's city-wide newsletter known as Bridges is mailed out to residents and businesses on
Welcome to the most current Housing Trends eNewsletter. This eNewsletter is specially designed for you, with national and local housing information that you may find useful whether you're in the market for a home, thinking about selling your home, or just interested in homeowner issues in general
In a press release issued Thursday afternoon February 10th, the City of Naperville asked its residents to take pre-cautioning measures to deal with next week's rising temperatures. "The recent blizzard we experienced combined with expected warmer temperatures creates a scenario where flooding is
Don't rouse the IRS or pay more taxes than necessary--know the score on each home tax deduction and credit. As you calculate your tax returns (, consider each home tax deduction and credit you are-and are not-entit
As we comfortably or uncomfortably (depending upon where you live in the US) settle into the month of February 2011, we see a new trend taking hold in the real estate market. Owners who have been unsuccessful in selling their property and need to move for personal reasons, or employment opportun
Note from Linda Kemp In the event of the severe blizzard that whipped through the Chicagoland area I am posting this article to help all of us learn an important safety lesson. It is never to late or too early to have an emergency preparedness kit ready for times when we loose power, heat or air