Colorado Springs has some unique challenges for the home gardener and a dose of creativity is necessary to battle some of the external attacks on that coveted and highly anticipated harvest. The mystery of the disappearing vegetationcan drive even the most stable to antics displayed by Bill Murra
I live on what is fondly referred to as the Eastern Plains outside of Colorado Springs. Yes it's out where the antelope roam! For the city dwellers the line is drawn at the Powers Corridor but for those of us needing just a little more space it's the wide open plains east of the city that attract
I made some new friends today! I love when AR bloggers suggest the names of some of their favorites so I might get a chance to meet some new folks and subscribe to their blogs. Today I've met 4 new members and now have a chance to enjoy their posts on a regular basis (love the photographers in
One of the most costly mistakes made by newcomers here to Colorado Springs is to drop those starter plants in the ground before Memorial Day weekend. The local Home Depots and Lowe's temp the most disciplined with their colorful displays of Marigolds, Black- Eyed Susan, and Delphiniums, but as
One of the most difficult concepts to place a dollar value on for buyers is that of functionality of a property. The typical market analysis provided by Realtors will contain recent historical data on sales of comparable properties taking into consideration the structure, location, upgrades, a
I like to purge my office but one of the lessons learned over time is not to dump old photos of listings, builder floor plan flyers, or neighborhood plats. These are all great tools to have when it's time for a listing or taking out a buyer. How handy is it to have a few summer photos on file
Want a fun project for the kids and a gift for Mom at the same time? Then sign up at one of Colorado Springs Home Depots for Saturday May 7th Kids Workshop. Kids ages 5-12 receive one of the coveted orange aprons worn by employees, get hands on safety instructions for working with tools, an
In Colorado the norm is to have the sellers, buyers, lender, and both agents at the closing table together. It's not done that way in many states where groups sign at different times and I think something is lost in those areas of the country. Depending upon the circumstances it happens here
Discounts and choice lots are two very enticing perks for buyers to venture into new neighborhoods with builders, but in the current market it might be a better bargain to hold back and see if the promises of parks, infrastructure, and amenities come to fruition. The showroom has it all: gian
April does bring showers to the Colorado Springs area, but it also starts the second quarter to 2011. Something else to watch for is a slight increase in Interest rates as typically this happens just as the buying season opens for business. The first quarter closed with a burs