I just finished reading the most interesting blog post in AgentGenious by Jeff Belonger entitled: Is blogging dead or alive? Have Realtors killed the blog? The highlights are a discussion concerning the droves of Realtors infesting the Internet posting shallow, self promoting, non informative, n
One of the most enjoyable aspects of listing and marketing properties is getting to assist sellers in preparing their home for sale. We walk the property together and design a list of projects to complete, upgrades that are necessary for today's market place and alterations that attract the typ
One of the most common statements heard about Colorado weather is, "if you don't like the weather just wait 20 minutes and it will change." Although most times it's said in jest there is a warning embedded in those 14 words. Summer storms come up quickly and without much warning and with the num
I love getting feedback on my listings. It gives me great info to pass along to my sellers. Have I overlooked an important issue that might be a hurdle for others? Of course some things we can't change: street noise, commercial buildings, the neighbors, and size of the yard, but if you pay atte
One little oversight can jeopardize a future deal. Make sure you understand and know the laws concerning the return of earnest money should your buyer want to terminate a purchase offer. In Colorado Springs many listing agents are independent and prefer to have a Title Company hold the earnest m
Sometimes we forget that one of the cheapest and most productive marketing tools we have is our business card. That little 2x3 slab of recycled paper is packed with a powerful punch- when we use our imagination. So here's my question for the day: Where is the strangest place you've
My buyers called me all excited about a home listed in a certain area they want that didn't have the usual HOA fees. I read the listing sheet and sure enough no where on the listing is a monthly fee mentioned. Now I'm very familiar with this area and I know the homeowners pay $142 a month whi
Builders in Colorado Springs work really well with Realtors but they have different rules and without a working knowledge of what to expect you could be left out in the cold by your Buyers and the builder. Build a relationship with your clients: If you don't appear valuable enough to your clie
It's not all about self promotion with generation Y, but what I offer and where to find me and I better be on the latest social media sites. Speed of response is critical to this group as well and I mean responding in a nanosecond. A New York minute won't cut the mustard anymore! Staying hip
Sometimes fate just works in your favor when showing homes to buyers. An area that usually has 40 knot winds has a calm day. A neighborhood downwind of a cattle ranch has the wind blowing just the right way. A herd of elk decide to pick that hour to meander through. It's stuff we as Realtors c