don scott's (luckyblog) Blog

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It is a crime to yell fire in a theatre when there is no fire...Investors are now avoiding bank debt. Many if not most banks operate on leverage from borrowed funds. Couple this lender bank debt avoidance and a falling dollar and the situation appears dire. A comparative with the "Great Depressio...
Right now the populus is beginning to grasp that there is a serious problem in the economy. This credit crisis is much more serious than anyone can imagine. I can tell you when it will end and the probable outcome. Judging from my emails there are some who are very astute to financial matters, bu...
We are now in a Depression. Hope will now cost you alot of money...
Even before the residential real estate holocaust, the Federal Reserve had expressed concern about the excessive commercial real estate bank loan portfolios. Today the Financial Times reports that turmoil reaches commercial mortgage-backed debt. If the Fed's concern, specifically the FDIC, prefac...
To make sure that we are all on the same page, OFFICIAL: worst residential real estate slump since the 1930s... historical projection - 37% of US banks will fail in the next 3 years...the 2007 stock market crash occured right on schedule. the 1929 crash was preceeded by the 1927 housing market co...
I have not changed by blog for over a week and it will stay that way until a SOS Titanic is added. The falling house in Oz lands on wall street. Stretchers and ambulances are everywhere while the talking heads try to compartmentalize it, but to no avail. 7 thousand tons of water pouring in a 12 f...
Now that retired Fed chairman admits his mistakes, but covers himself with the Nuremburg Trial excuse, we can now tell you how to save whatever wealth you have left. Better still, let Alan tell you himself. (1967) In an article called Gold and Economic Freedom..."The abandonment of the gold stand...
The stock market is a place where buyers and sellers come together under the buttonwood tree. One can not say with certainty what the stock market will do today, tomorrow or the next day. With the financial situation at hand and the historical precident of a downdraft in housing, a reasonable man...
FDIC the "C" stands for corporation. The Federal Reserve is a quasi governmental agency. The definition of "quasi" is seemingly so, but not really. In fact, the Fed is not even American. Having said that, your bank savings are probably insured by the FDIC up to a certain amount. As of this moment...
Beginning with the sub-prime mortgage collapse and working it way up the food chain, the financial crisis has provoked a global meltdown of the hundreds of trillions of dollars O-T-C derivatives market. Bank reserve requirements are minimal...Banks who operated at minimum standards did so because...

don scott

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