October always brings its fair share of things to do in Louisville, but most of them involve haunted houses, pumpkin patches, trick-or-treating, or anything involving Halloween. This post is not about those events. If you're sick of orange and black, then check out these events guaranteed not to ...
You probably already know about the popular Halloween events for adults in or close to Louisville KY for 2011. This is why we want to provide you with some different events that are geared to adults (some to children too) and do something fun that maybe you've never done before! This first ...
Halloween brings out the kid in everyone! But we wanted to show you some kid-friendly Halloween events that are happening this year (2011) in Jefferson and Oldham Counties in Kentucky. This will actually be a two-part time we will be posting events on the next post that are more gea...
Every Friday on our Facebook page, we have what is called Furry Friday, where we post a link to something interesting or informative about pets. Of course, it it mostly about cats and dogs, but not always! Today, there is just too much stuff so it's not too far of a stretch to include pet event...
The Millenial Generation, or Gen Y, are collectively starting to be of the age where they are purchasing their first home. This generation is quite different from the previous generations of X and Baby Boomers. The main thing that immediately comes to mind is they are tech-savvy! It would make se...
Reviews are becoming more important all the time. Don't you look at other people's reviews on the internet when you want to make a big-time purchase or use someone else's services? Of course you do. That is one reason. Google has recognized this and is incorporating it into their search algorithm...
This morning I logged in to my computer to see this article from Inman News that stated "Among those metro areas with at least 100 foreclosure-related sales in the second quarter, Louisville, Ky., had the largest average foreclosure discount -- 54 percent below the average sales price of nonforec...
I won Rainmaker status at RainCamp. As I sit here pondering the awesomeness of what it means to be a Rainmaker, I also want to acknowledge everyone who contributed to make it possible. It may be one of you. Surprised? There are a lot of social media groups on different sites and their contributio...
I'd like everyone to be able to see this post. This has been a long time coming and I'm so happy it's here: People now have the ability to share, like, tweet, and +1 your ActiveRain blog posts. Our team has been hard at work developing a painless way to syndicate your content and stay connected....
I'm really excited because I'm in a group of people on Facebook who follows and comments on each other's stuff. One of the things we do is subscribe to each other's RSS feeds. This morning I discovered an exciting tool to convert your Google+ stream into an RSS feed. It looks great in Google Read...