
Real Estate updates Treasure Island Florida As of today 2/2/08 we have a total of 416 active residential listings (not including for sale By Owners) in Treasure Island. Starting with an asking price of  $122,900 for a small condo on Gulf Blvd and it goes all the way up to $3,999,000 for a new con...
Paradise Island on Treasure Island To me this in one of the nicest subdivisions Treasure Island has - but than again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like Paradise Island on Treasure Island because it has a little bit of everything. Single family homes on and off the water most of them are...
Pinellas County Taxes, important for you Florida has voted   YES  on January 29th. Now you need to find out what it really means for you and your property. It might make a big difference for you and it might not. Educated yourself, it is your money. If you have bought and sold your homesteaded pr...
This is good news for our Pinellas County St. Pete area. For most of us this might just be the right time to refinance. Not only because of the two big rate cuts this month but also and especially if the cap for Jumbo loans will be raised. The new cap on Jumbo loans will have a big impact for the...
I wanted to write this two weeks ago, but I did not have time because I was showing property here in St. Petersburg Treasure Island!!! Hard to believe, I know. It doesn't matter what newspaper you read or what magazine you open or which channel on TV you watch, bad news and more bad news about th...
Great food in Treasure Island "The Pearl" Fine dining in Treasure Island I love the place; the food is great and very creative with a Moroccan - Mediterranean touch. It is downtown Treasure Island on the south site of 107th Ave Near the clock tower, out new treasure Island landmark. They open at ...
Buying property in Treasure Island Florida, get to know the area. In the mood for a  "Schnitzel" or  "Sauerkraut" How about Rouladen, Bratwurst, Kartoffelsalat, Schweinebraten, Rinderbraten, Koenigsberger Klopse, Gurkensalat, Knoedel, Currywurst. . . Yes, you can fimnd all this in Treasure island...
Treasure Island is a great place to live and play. What are you doing this Sunday? Have you been to the "Bongos on the beach"? I love it and I go there 4 or 5 times a year. It is different and it is fun. Every Sunday for sunset a lot of performers, gather on the public beach in Treasure Island an...
Treasure Island Florida Times have changed, as a Realtor I believe that we have to sell more than just the house or condo, we sell a life style. There are so many similar properties in the same price range up and down the beach, that sometimes the property itself is not the biggest decision facto...

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