Reminder...FHA 90 day flipping rule to be waived as of February 1, 2010. HUD has decided to waive the FHA 90 day flipping rule starting February 1, 2010 for a total of 1 year. According to this regulation, a mortgage for a property is not eligible for FHA insurance if the contract for the purc...
More changes on lending guidelines are in the horizon....So what's new? It has been happening for the past couple of years and I think this is not the end of it either. On January 20, FHA announced new changes on their guidelines. According to FHA, a couple of the reasons for the changes are to...
Great information from a great agent! Thanks Debbie! Foreclosed Properties in Sacramento and Placer Counties Below are charts that show what has happened the last 15 months in the foreclosure market in Sacramento and Placer counties (single family homes). We are finally starting to see some avai...
Here's your Weekly Mortgage Market Update. The Fed has a very tough job right now. They need to make sure to keep the Fed Funds rate low enough in order to help with recession. But by keeping it as low as it is now (almost at zero) inflation will be a threat. Timming the Fed Fund rate increase...
Here's your Weekly Mortgage Market Update for January 11, 2010. The main focus last week was on last Friday's Job Report for December, 2010. Even though it came a little bit worse than expected, it also showed November's revised numbers. Once revised, November's numbers were actually positive, sh...
Last week a good friend of mine send me an email about a 50 year Ohio lady who once wrote the 45 lessons life has though her. She was a writer and this was the most requested column she's ever written. She re-posted the list when she turned 50. There is not once single lesson that I don't feel i...
Whatever your faith is...this article will most likely get you thinking. Very nice written and very profound too. Ben Stein has pointed out that there are many things in our lives that have changed our freedoms to practice our beliefs with out ridicule. Take the time to read his comments from a ...
Are you ready for the VirtualBarCamp today? I thought I was...until I read the post below. Great tips! photo courtesy of Virtual REbarcamp Hope you're ready! I was lucky enough to attend last year's (wow, that already sounds weird) inaugural Virtual REbarcamp and enjoyed both the concept and the...
As we begin a New Year, we're looking forward to new opportunities and what's ahead of us. For those of you who are in the market to either by a home or refinance your current mortgage, I believe it's important to understand what happened within the past week of 2009 that is going in to 2010. So...
This should be great! Our goal is to reach 3000 registered attendees to! The event is free being presented by 28 of the top minds in RE technology and social networking. Currently we have 1500+ registered attendee. To reach our goal we need your help. Fortunately, we have ...