Usually the "man" is taking money out of your pocket, not offering to help you put more into it. In this tough economy everyone is looking to save money, and very few are looking at how spending it can benefit them. However there may be no better time to make that house a mansion. The government
There's nothing quite like owning your own home. Creating a place that you can call your own can be a challenge with many ups and downs. Gathering relevant information is your first step to home ownership. How much can you afford? What kind of home are you looking for? You'll find all the infor
Now is the time to Invest in Realestate in the Windsor and Surrounding Area.The Windsor Essex County market offers Duplexes ,Tri-plexes and Multi unit buildings as well as Condominiums and Single Family homes at great low prices.With interest rates historically low and prices dropping down to wha
The Canadian mortgage market has been free of the drama characterizing the US stage due its more conservative lending practices. To save Canadians from the traps of no money down mortgages, the government banned both 100 percentage mortgages and 40 year terms "to reduce the risk of as US-style
Headlines in several Canadian newspapers report that consumers are nervous buying a condo out of fear that what they contracted for will not be built. A more substantial fear is that due to current oversupply, condominiums are getting harder to sell. In Toronto, 22,654 condos were sold in 2007,
Everyone loves a bargain, especially in housing where a few percent off adds up to thousands of dollars. In a buyers' market, where some sellers who need to move their homes are facing the prospect so of having their time in the market longer and ultimately selling for less, it's tempting for bu
If the economy makes you want to run to Fantasyland, now you can at discounted prices. With stock prices dropping 6.1%, income off 13%, and hotel bookings down, Disney amusement parks announced discounts on vacation packages to any of its parks. For vacations booked by December 20, a 7 day vacat
Recent good news reported here about the thriving Canadian auto industry is threatened by bad news from Detroit: the US auto is in such bad shape that the big three automakers are lobbying for a $25 billion low interest loan from the government. Without aid, predicts the Center for Automotive R
For the 92,999 cars and 22,300 trucks that cross the US-Canadian border each day, crossing the border will be more difficult once the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative takes effect in June, 2009. A response to homeland security concerns, the US is installing scanners and radio frequency ident
Ten Thousand Villages, a non-profit organization that offers handmade items from artisan co-operatives in developing countries, has a great store in Windsor, right at 3225 Sandwich Street. In addition to handicrafts, the selection also includes Fair Trade coffee, tea, chocolate, dried fruit, a