Mary Abella's (maryabella) Blog

Home Stager - a little bit of red Interior RE-design LLC
Several years ago I staged a vacant home in the summer. It wasn't selling for a variety of reasons, which I duly mentioned to the sellers. As Christmas time was approaching, I decided to decorate it for the holidays. I put up a small tree, hung stockings from the mantlepiece, placed red candles a...
The days are getting shorter. The temperatures are getting colder. And what most of us want, when we come home from work in the cold, dark, evening, is a warm, bright, cozy space. Buyers want to feel that same, emotional sense when they walk into a home they are considering buying. Especially as ...
Have you been looking in the decorating sections of department stores, fabric stores, or specialty shops? The sea shore is the new decorating trend. Starfish, pelicans, fish nets, sand buckets, shells, fishing lines with bobbers... a little ocean blue paint, a sandy colored rug, and all you need ...
I am so frustrated with sellers who don't get it. Or is it Realtors? The home is listed before the bathroom remodels are done (they were empty, with bathtubs and sinks sitting around--we didn't buy it.) The home is listed with no counters in yet. Why not wait until they are finished and looking g...
Feng Shui is "the art of arrangement," the "living in balance with nature." A lot of peope think it's a bunch of hokus pokus, but it is all about energy. Well, energy is EVERYWHERE. We don't see the energy of gravity, but it exists. We don't see the energy of electricity, but we know it can kill ...
As a home stager, I look at MLS listings and shudder more times than not. What were they thinking when they offered these houses for sale? Sure, there are some "perfect" homes. Perhaps they have been professionally staged, or maybe the sellers just get it. But there are some homes that cry out fo...
When you reduce the price of a stagnant home, you will never get more than that asking price (unless you reduce it so much you create a bidding war.)    When you keep the price the same but increase the home’s value, you will get more money for your client and more commission money for you.   Ho...
Once upon a time, back in the olden days, the Realtor told his clients to clean their house, and he/she put up a sign in the yard. The home sold, and the famiy moved on. Now, however, selling a home takes a lot more work than that to compete in today's market. Here are some ideas for ways to get ...
Christopher and Stephanie Somers, from Philadelphia, gave four good reasons why homes don't sell: price, marketing, difficulty in showing, and stigmas. I am offering four more: Drive-bys can't see the home, the home is in a very bad setting, there is no curb appeal, and the sellers don't really w...
Did you know that 80% of buyers shop for their new home online? That means internet pictures have to be fantastic.  Here are five ways to improve your client's home’s online presence:   1.  Don’t just label the pictures Photo #1, photo #2, etc. Describe the room in the picture.  Point out its arc...

Mary Abella

creating magic on a regular basis.
local_phone(317) 748-5887
smartphone(317) 748-5887
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