Wow! What a day it's been in real estate here at Fort Hood! I'm taking a little break to give you a quick market report. Phones are RINGING, RINGING, RINGING and emails are flying between here and Iraq as the 1st Cavalry Division rotates back to Fort Hood a plane load at a time. We are GLAD
If you have school age children, or you are concerned about resale value when you leave the Fort Hood area, your home buying decision is often based on the quality of the schools. Here's some information that may assist you with your house hunt based on area schools.Bookmark this page to serve
With all the talk about the condition of the housing industry, the mortgage industry, and about the impossibility of buying a home with less than perfect credit, I'm going to blow you away with this great story about what a determined couple and their realtor and mortgage lender accomplished via
In some areas of the country, seeing men and women in uniform may be a unique experience. Having lived here in the Fort Hood area all my life, these men and women in their ACU's ebb and flow through every part of my daily life. I see them in the grocery stores, school rooms, at the mall, in the
NEWS FOR FORT HOOD HOMEBUYERS The recent release of Coldwell Banker's 2007 Home Price Comparison Index showed that Beverly Hills, California, is the most expensive place to own a home in the United States (no surprise there!) The average price of a house in that market was $2.21 million!!. At
One of the questions military families always ask me is "what is the commute time to Fort Hood?" And I always have to say... "It depends". It depends on what city you live in, on how many wrecks are happening out on the expressway each morning and evening, and on what kind of problems the gua
Everybody wants to be a winner, right? Whether you are a football fan, baseball fan, basketball fan, NASCAR fan, hockey fan, or fan of any sport, you more than likely understand the ins and outs of competition. The process of selling your house is NO DIFFERENT! To be a winner in the Killeen F
Here are the facts (a true story): A Buyer signed a contract to purchase a Killeen Fort Hood property. Buyer asked for no termination option period. Buyer was fully approved by his local lender. Buyer tendered earnest money that was deposited with the closing agent. Lender appraisal
I had a wonderful conversation today with a lead off my Fort Hood website.. It is a lovely Army wife who is doing the legwork prior to her and her husband arriving here in the Killeen Fort Hood Real Estate Market. The couple is now stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado, and they are first time
I had something happen last week that caught me off guard. An agent from another company had written an offer on one of my new construction listings. The offer was contingent on the sale of the buyer's current home. Needless to say, the builder would not accept the contingency, marked it out i