I have a need...and that need is to feel and express my own personal power today and each day.
I am a Believer; that in itself is a powerful thing. He impowers. He is the only true Impowerment. To add a realization of a higher power in ones daily, and hourly and presently, has His best interests in mind for us and for our business.
Okay, so the buyer is a millionaire...
Most people that are out to invest in a house will make it clear: "it's my money and I will spend it how I want to".
Very soon we realtors discover what our true position is in this profession...and this may be a shocker, we are "facilitators". We may be essential in this business to begin a transaction, to go through all the emotional stuff related to possession, and to see it through to a Closing. But, our position depends on finding a buyer, or finding a seller.
We are dependent especially in the person buying, without the buyer the seller has nothing to work with. The buyer has the stronger pull when he or she brings an interest for real estate to the table.
The Listing agent forgets about that. The L.A. remembers they are responsible to represent their clients' interests, but after time goes by, and sleep overtakes them, they wake up wondering what it is they are supposed to be doing.
It is clearly the buyer that has the motivating power.
My voice in this matter is to express and share with those that can relate.
Would love to hear from You...!