I'm sure that many are asking the same question. I continually keep on hearing that the buyers are waiting for the market to settle down. Buyers are waiting for that killer deal. Buyers are waiting....OK, so we've had a reality lesson for sellers. It's time for a reality check for buyers. In
Most realtors when asked, will say that they are in the business of selling real estate. If this is your answer, than you may not be working up to your full potential. Personally, the selling of real estate is a by-product of what we do & that is being in the 'People Business.' We help bring b
There was a blog a few days ago authored by Judy Cicalese entitled, How do you know when it's time to give up a listing? soliciting comments from us as to when is the time.In too many instances, the time is before you even take the listing, especially in our present market. I'm located in the Gr
It's just absolutely amazing to me that people must think we are stupid. Here are two things in particular that I've just come across. My last post had to do with the Florida property tax issue. This morning I received an email from a realtor in Miami that must be a supporter of Marco Rubio, t
I obviously haven't written in a couple of months. It is not that I had not wanted, but did not wish to write about the same topic that has been so prevalent, the local market. I was firstly concerned about the negativity that some may derive from this, even though we are in a quite healthy mar