Hello Rainers! Just wanted to drop a quick note and say that I'm back! I have missed reading all of your blogs and keeping in touch. I have had alot going on over the past year or so and really haven't had time to blog or anything else and well kind of been laying low. Keeping things exactly wh...
Where do I begin? Well for those of you here in the rain that don't know, Chris Fisher and I have become very good friends since the moment we started talking here in the rain. We also are working together, well have been for awhile, but just recently joined forces and went into business together...
First off, I guess I should announce that Chris Fisher and I have joined forces completely as StagersLIST Websites, from doing virtual assistant work to building and maintaining websites. We have been talking about it for sometime and finally decided to take the step and go for it! I enjoy workin...
My friend Chris Fisher, wrote this blog about Kym Hough, another great person I know and get to work with, with Chris of course. I am very happy and excited for Kym and I know this book will be beneficial to everyone in the real estate business. Way to Kym, excited for you! Wooho! Do not forget ...
I know alot of people here in the rain, know who Brande Bradford is. However, she has started her coaching business as most know from her previous blogs and is using a new name for her business Home Grown Marketing, and I thought I would reblog her first post on her new name to help get the word...
I have no doubt in my mind that Chris will do great during her discussion on websites at the expo workshops. I say this because we work together everyday doing website design and she is just wonderful. No one could top what she does. However I did figure I would re-blog this in hopes of it reachi...
Okay even though this is one that I am not going too, I had to reblog it because well I am just excited about StagersLIST and all the expos coming up! Even though it doesn't look like the one you linked to Chris, it is still a great blog and gets the word out!Little frustrated because this blog w...
Gayle wrote this blog about Chris Fisher, who is a friend and business associate of mine. We work together with, doing websites and of course a few other things. Not to mention we talk all day long through messenger while we work. I couldn't help myself, I had to re-blog this beca...
Let me ask you... Have you ever had a friend who was always there, no matter what, through thick and thin? A friend that is always there, always around. If you need a hug, a helping hand, some words of advice, encouragement or wisdom, a shoulder to lean on or cry on, who you can talk to about an...