...is the constant need for bloggers to pat oneself on the back, put it on-line, and expect others to share in the kudos that you just gave TO YOURSELF.
Photo: Reuters Ok everyone who knew me "back then," knew I was a huge fan of SATC. ( That's an acronym that Greg Swann DOES NOT know, I'm sure.) I was going to NYC about every 10 or so days from 2000-2004 BB(before blogging). I have a picture of me sitting on Carrie's "stoop" in the West Vil
I was checking out Barry Cunningham's post over at BHB and the title of the post really caught my eye. I read his post because of the title. You must be saying "Why do you think the title is so special, Kevin," and I would tell you that my personal philosophy on the current real estate marke
My vote for The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World goes to Ardell DellaLoggia over at RainCityGuide.com. Her post entitled "Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World" is a great post.
Thanks to a new feature that Brad Carroll discovered, I now have a new AR blog design. Check out the Dakno Blog for instructions on how you can do it
been drinking the kool-aid? Teri L. should have FUN with this one
So much has gone on over at the BHB lately, all of which I have learned today (don't tell Greg, he will call me some mean names). Writers are leaving, everyone in the RE.NET has HAD IT with "him." We all know that GS at the BHB likes to create drama for web traffic (he ACTUALLY TOUTS IT). P
As you know, ARDELL has this annoying trait of "having scruples." I don't get it -- frankly it sorta bores me. I live by two mottos: 1. Know the Rules; Play to Win (Joan Rivers) 2. I ain't here for my looks So ARDELL is competing fiercely in some competition about SEO. I'm sure she is up late
When I started blogging in March of 2007 (disclaimer: I am NOT stating this, and if anyone sues me please note that I am not stating this "for the record"), I did not know who or what a Redfin was; understand that I am a east coast boy (clarification: actually, Ohio but I now reside in sunny