Century21 is organizing a nation wide contest in the month of April for those that video their open houses and post them on you tube. 2 min max, not the whole four hours with nobody coming in and realtor playing Solitaire:-) Or watching whales ( I fully admit it!!!)Do you think that such a tool w
Aloha everybody!Here is my funny story for this week: I met this gentleman at his place of business ( cant disclose where:-) When he found out that I am a realtor. he immediately said that he wants to buy a nice place, with a loft and an ocean view. Right after that he said that he has $2mil , ca
Aloha Keith, Dorene and Georgie and everybody else who welcomed me to this group. No, my dog does not know much about real estate, besides the perimeter of my yard. But I decided to have Maka's picture instead of mine, because of some funny events going on lately. Like some guy calling at odd hou
Aloha everybody! I am new to all this, learning my way around:-)