As I search through the MLS looking for properties that meet a buyer's specific needs, I come across some very interesting photos. I am sure we all do. It amazes me how little attention some of our fellow practitioners pay to this critical aspect of marketing. Don't well over eighty percent of ...
El Dorado Hills, CA REO (BANK OWNED) SALES DATA FOR December 2009 This is a continuation of my two-plus year monthly report on Bank Owned home sales data for El Dorado Hills, CA. This report covers REO homes sold in December of 2009. There were 20 REO homes sold in December, twice the number sol...
Folsom, CA REO (BANK OWNED) SALES DATA FOR December 2009 This is a continuation two plus year study of Bank Owned home sales data for Folsom, CA. This report covers REO homes sold in December of 2009. There were 19 REO homes sold in December, up from 12 in November. That is a 58.4% increase des...