HAFA REBORN A grand total of only 342 families have been able to run the gauntlet of rules and regulations to complete the HAFA (Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives) program since its inception last year. This miniscule number does not engender confidence in the HAFA program. In fact the...
KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA: New revision Back in November of 2010 we wrote a post about the new Keep Your Home California program funded by the U.S. Treasury and managed by the CalHFA. The treasury has approved a plan to use nearly $2 Billion-with a "B"- federal funds to help low and moderate C...
Fannie Mae, the Federal National Mortgage Association, has released a new consumer oriented web site designed to help distressed borrowers navigate the process of avoiding foreclosure. A government sponsored enterprise, it is one of the largest purchasers of home mortgages in the secondary mark...
El Dorado Hills, CA REO (BANK OWNED) SALES DATA FOR December 2010 This is a continuation of our over three year long monthly report on Bank Owned (REO) home sales data for El Dorado Hills, CA. This report covers Bank Owned homes sold in December 2010. There were only 9 Bank Owned homes sold in D...
Folsom, CA REO (BANK OWNED) SALES DATA FOR December 2010 This is a continuation of a three plus year study of Bank Owned home sales in Folsom, CA. This report covers REO homes sold in December 2010. There were 19 REO homes sold in December, up from 15 in November. Lenders continue to release ...