Trey Thurmond, Realtor

Real Estate Agent - BCR Realtors - 262359
                    These are some of the most prolific bloomers you can plant in your garden. They are easy to grow. The blossoms are huge. They smell great. The bees love them. They do well in very hot weather.  They hang on into the fall. And they create a stark contrast in your flowerbeds. Wh...
National Night Out was celebrated by neighborhoods all across the City of Bryan Texas tonight.  We celebrated by attending the Habitat For Humanity neighborhood "Angelgate" where volunteers and Habitat representatives served up hot dogs and cold drinks to neighbors and visitors to the annual cele...
Selling Real Estate in an ever changing environment can be a little like a high speed auto race.  When you are doing a 150 mph and are approaching a curve and you have to brake , downshift, and avoid hitting a car that just bumped the rail, and doing it all at lightening speed...well you had bett...
If you look closely this little spider looks like he is mimicking a skeleton face with fangs. I am always amazed  at the diverse amount of insects that hang around out gardens. I know lots of folks are squeamish about spiders and bees and wasps, but without them there would be no food and we woul...
If you went to Texas A and M then you know the significance of the number 12. If you have no idea then you can ask any Aggie and they will most likely get the story right.  It is a great story and is part of the many great traditions at A and M.  The Twelfth Man Story is worth Goggling when have ...
I know it is a little difficult to get to, as they are working on the streets in historic downtown Bryan....but we heard about this new "authentic" Mexican food place at 414 N. Main . It is rather discreet when you drive by...but once you are inside you will feel like you are in a quaint little c...
As my , BCR continues to Brand itself we are simultaneously building what several consider to be the best training program in town! Our trainers Cathy Patranella and Brent Reithmayer have done a great job of helping newer agents learn some extremely useful skills in prospecting, interviewing for ...
BCR released our new company website this week!  As president of the fiirm I am so proud of the work several of our employees so dilegently put into this project . If you have personally ever constructed a decent website then you know first hand that it truly is a whole lot of work. I am so grate...
If you take a ride our east of College Station and in other areas of Brazos County you'd be hard pressed not to notice there seems to be a pretty good amount of oil and gas well drilling going on. I have personally seen some production numbers on some of these wells and they would indicate some d...
Is Now The Best Time To Sell A Home In College Station? The short English version of my answer is ...Absolutely!  Some sellers are concerned that perhaps selling in the fall season in College Station and  Aggieland might result in a less than desirable sale. My reply to that is ...               ...

Trey Thurmond

College Station , Texas Homes
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