Solutions For Those Who Don’t Have Enough Cash To Purchase a Home So many in America desire to become home owners. They know that home ownership is the most likely path towards financial security for their family as well as freedom from the tyranny of landlords. Indeed, Federal Reserve Boa...
Your First Home? The Right Realtor Is The Key Many first time buyers think that a buyers real estate market means that getting the best deal is easy. Nothing could be further from the truth. With foreclosures, short-sales and some homeowners not understanding the true value of their home ...
TAX BENEFITS OF BUYING VERSUS RENTING Most consumers understand that owning a home is a great tax shelter. But most consumers do not understand how great these benefits can be. This report will outline some of the major tax benefits of owning real estate. Indeed those who don’t take a...
Gabe & Melissa are Mortgage and Real Estate Professionals in the Charlotte and Lake Norman area. They are choosing to contribute at the closing table for Real Estate and Mortgage residential closings by giving some of their commissions to the nonprofit of the client's choice. Buyers and sellers g...
11004 Thousand Oaks Drive, Huntersville NC 28078 MLS # 3013092 Melissa Polce, NC & SC Broker FIND YOUR NEXT PROPERTY Click photo to enlarge DescriptionDirections Inspected & READY TO GO! Close to 77/85 & 485. Great Home! 3bdrm/Bonus/Loft area, 1 bedroom down for visiting guest. Home on d...
WHEN YOU LIST PROPERTIES TOO HIGH, THEY MAY NOT APPRAISE ...I KNOW TO SUBTRACT $25k BEFORE I EVEN WALK THROUGH "THAT" AGENT'S LISTINGS... What is the saying...something about casting the first stone if you have never sinned??? Well you get the meaning...Yea, I may have "reached" on a few listings...
COME OUT HELP THIS LOCAL HORSE RESCUE, SATURDAY APRIL 26TH 10-3PM HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. – The Bit O’ Luck Horse Rescue farm already helps saves horses, but it’s now asking for some help for itself to hopefully expand. Bit O’ Luck is competing for a chance to win a $10,00...
HELP, FOOD DRIVE FOR NEEDY PETS: Through the Month of April, we are holding a FOOD DRIVE for Needy Pets & owners that have fallen on hard times and can no longer feed them properly. Donations of any kind of dog food, treats or toys can be made anytime during business hours. All items will be give...
MY BUYERS HATE ME Well...I can't make everyone happy! I would like to think I am a friendly person, a good salesman, a pretty decent Realtor...that being said, if this whole Real Estate Agent thing doesn't work out(15 years mind you)...I would probably throw my hand in at being a stand-up comic....
LET'S BAKE SOME ITALIAN EASTER BREAD! FIND YOUR NEXT PROPERTY Happy Wednesday! Finally some gorgeous weather, along with doing the normal Real Estate, showing property, listings, marketing and drumming up new business...along comes the freedom of time...SOMETIMES BY THE WAY, NEED A HOME? SEAR...