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Services for Real Estate Pros - Al Rodenburg
Well, we continue to see change. Too bad none of it appears to be helping the consumer. We continue to hope that the monies provided to the major banks will provide the emotional climate for bankers to start loosening the proverbial purse strings.



Great blog! I agree with not returning phone calls or the ghost question. I can't tell you the # of times a Realtor has come to me and asked: "Can you close this in 2 weeks; we're having trouble with the Loan Officer at (you name it, typically a major) Bank and it looks like we're not going to cl...
I would bet this applies to all sales positions! Without it, it would be tough to get up and put one foot in front of theother. Nice post! Thought I would re-blog it.   What is Success in Real Estate Sales   One thing you can say that success is NOT selling four homes a year – unless maybe they a...

Al Rodenburg

Al Rodenburg - Professional Online Bookkeeper
local_phone(832) 458-1632
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Thoughts on the continuing evolution of the mortgage industry.