By Nathan Froelich Habits have a profound effect on our lives both in business and as a professional. Charles Duhigg explains in his book, The Power of Habit, that habits are located deep in our sub-conscious and, although we don't realize it, habits dictate essentially every decision we make. Ev...
Denver just made headlines for being the "Hottest Market in the Country" and it is like that in many places. Buyers and their Agents are losing their minds competing for avaiable homes! There may have never been a better time to focus intensly on listings. This was shared with us (BreakthroughBro...
In this video I'll show you how to use Facebook Lists to transform your personal Facebook page into a powerful marketing machine. Best of all you can do this for free. Creating lists is the process of putting all of your contacts (friends) into groups just like you would do in your contact manage...
In this video I'll show you how to brand your listing photos using, a patent pending FREE technology. The branding process takes just a few minutes and once complete you can then upload those branded photos to Zillow or any other web portal that allows you to manually edit yo...
If you're a celebrity real estate agent this article is NOT for you. If you have a team of agents and you sell hundreds of homes a year this article is NOT for you. If you have a big social media marketing budget and 20 hours per week to dedicate or delegate to Social Media marketing this article...
Most real estate agents have a love-hate relationship with Facebook, meaning they love to hate it. It’s easier to hate Facebook than admit we don’t understand how to make it work for our business. The reality is that when used effectively Facebook, can put you in front of hundreds or even thou...
Say hello to In our quest to empower real estate agents with awesome tools and information we've built the first-ever real estate-specific photo branding system. What on Earth is photo branding? With our patent-pending system, you can apply your company and personal contac...
The highlights below come from concepts found in the book "Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time"by Brian Tracy. Sometimes the best things come in small packages. This quick read is filled with aha! moments that solidify concepts we think we underst...
I believe the agents who work their butts off this December and January will write the script for a year of remarkable business success in 2013. Forget pessimism and opinion about housing and the economy, and consider the following information as you plan for the next year: Housing Recovery: By a...
No matter how long you've been in real estate it's so tempting when you have a new buyer to skip the buyer presentation just hop in the car and GO! Who want's to talk about financing, contracts, and home sale contingencies? All that is the dull part, and after all the client just wants to go hous...