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Real Estate Agent - Palm Properties - CA 00932893
Naples and Marco Island real estate information including developments, communities, neighborhoods, estates, ranches, land and investment properties with area photos.



Summer is here and if you are like our household we are trying to save money and one way to do this is to use a ceiling fan instead of the air conditioner.  We have always believed in ceiling fans and many of the homes we have owned in San Diego did not even have air conditioning.  Although we li...
The table below, with information provided by Freddie Mac, shows the annual average commitment rates and points for 30 year conventional fixed rate loans from 1970 to present.  When you tell your clients that the interest rates are at an all-time "historical low", show them this table to demonstr...
The San Diego night sky will soon be filled with displays of fireworks on the Fourth of July!  Residents from all over San Diego will be able to view fireworks in a variety of locations including: La Jolla Cove- Annual event guaranteed to be fun for all!  Located at the Ellen Browning Scripps Par...
Thinking of buying your first home?  Here are some good reasons to do so today - the time is right! 1. Affordability. Based on recent property declines and current interest rates, home affordability has not been higher since it was first tracked over 40 years ago. Your grandparents couldn’t have ...
Not that there was any doubt that ActiveRain has improved my business, as I have received and sent referrals to ActiveRain agents, sold homes to new clients who found me from my blog, and received many phone calls and emails on various blog posts from clients or people interested in more informat...
Everyone enjoys money-saving ideas and here are some excellent tips for saving money on your utility bills.  Thanks to Chris Livingston for this post!   Here's a ten-step program that's guaranteed to reduce your utility costs. The steps are not set in stone; every house is different, and differen...
A moving tribute to our military men and women from Martha Brown... definitely a must watch video.My son sent this YouTube video my way today. His son and my grandson is a Marine. It was taken during Rolling Thunder in Washington DC the Sunday before Memorial Day. The Marine stood there for 3 str...
Looking to spruce up your home and get it ready to sell?  Take a look at what painting the exterior can do for you!Exterior painting can really help sell a house quicker and for more money! How much more value do you Real Estate Professionals think this paint job adds to the home below? What a di...
"Cleaning for a Reason" is a non-profit foundation formed to offer FREE house cleaning for women undergoing cancer.  They recruit maid services in different cities nationwide to become partners in this free service.  There are currently 706 partners in 50 states, including Canada.  What a wonderf...
Consumer alert - this "how to" video was found on YouTube and shows how vulnerable homeowners are who have windows in their garage doors.  This is an alert to homeowners to protect themselves and their home from this happening to them!  Using this method a thief can make it look as if you were ne...

Susan Laxson CRS

California Real Estate Specialist
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